Typical Collection No. 1. Priced and Descriptive Catalogue OF THE HBjrlu' t ' ' 9j| _ i Utensils, Implements, Weapons, Ornaments, Etc,, OF THE Indians, Mound Builders, Cliff Dwellers. Collected by A. H. GOTTSCHALL, ’ bureau of During the years 1871 to 1905, — a period of 34 yeaArMfcPT /■- , , •_ ; 1909 This collection is now offered for sale. A H. GOTTSCHALL 250 HUMMEL ST., HARRISBURG, PENNA., 1909 ' /C G* ftc\ ! 1 GENERAL REMARKS REGARDING THE COLLECTION. Indian Relics. Both in America and in Europe, within more recent years, a deep interest has been taken in the relics and antiquities of the American Indians, Mound- Builders and Cliff-Dwellers. Indeed, these mementoes of the Red Races of America possess an interest and value, equalled by few, or no other antiquities. This spirit of study and research has led to the existence of many collections, both public and private. Not only are there great museums devoted to the col- lecting and preservation of Indian relics, but there are many state, county, and other public collections. Besides all these, historical and archaeological societies are springing up, making a specialty of collecting Indian relics. Colleges, seminaries, and schools see the historical and educational value of a collection of these Aboriginal imple- ments for the instruction of students. The wealthy and cultured, and the lover of things antique, are now having “Indian corners” in home, office, or studio. Yet still more numerous than all of these combined, perhaps, are the private col- lections of individuals. The manufacture and use of these utensils, implements, weapons and orna- ments of the Red Man is now almost, if not altogether, a thing of the past. The Caucasian world is bidding for the old handiwork of a vanquished race. The United States Government for years has been energetically collecting specimens of the Indian’s handicraft for preservation in the great National Museum and Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, and other large museums, both in America and Europe, have been doing the same. Hence, a great scarcity of these relics now prevails in the relic market, and, in the nature of things, the scarcity will become greater as the years go by. Tribute to the Vanquished. We, as a race, have pushed the Red Man from his home, and the graves of his ancestors ; we have supplanted him in the possession of his former hunting-ground, until to-day the white man’s agriculture, commerce, archi- tecture and transportation roads have largely changed even the natural face of much of the country, and its primitive owners have gone, never again to return. Then should the memory of this people not only command the sym- pathy of Americans, but should we not carefully preserve the remaining hand- iwork of the Red Man as one of the last tributes we can pay him? The various utensils, implements and ornaments of stone, flint, clay, stea- tite, hematite, slate, etc., scattered more or less throughout the United States, form silent but pathetic testimonies to the ingenuity and skill of the prehis- toric people who once inhabited the country; while the bows and arrows, baskets, pottery, beaded tanned skin ornaments, bags, etc. ; the pipes, toma- hawks, etc., etc., of the more modern tribes are potent witnesses to the taste and artistic skill of the American Indians. 4 Typical Collection No. i. My Early Interest in the Indians. From early boyhood the Indians and their implements have had a deep and peculiar interest for me. Ten times, from 1871 to 1902, did I cross the American Continent by various routes between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, British America and Mexico, besides making ten additional journeys into the Indian country between the Missouri River and the Pacific coast. During this period, 1871 to 1902, I visited more than fifty different tribes, embracing every tribe of importance within the territory of the United States, as well as tribes in British America. My object in traveling among them in their native wilds and living among them, almost as one of their number, eating with them around their' lodge and camp-fires, sleeping upon their wigwam couches, sometimes with the shrill whoop of the war-dance near by, sounding in my ears, was that I might not only satisfy a desire that seemed to be a part of my very being from childhood, but that I might thereby become enabled to hand down to this and future generations, through the medium of the printed page, gi plain, concise description of the life and character of these children of nature, in the domestic circle of the lodge, around the camp-fire, on the march, in the chase, in battle, massacre, capture and peace ; giving in detail an account of the customs, habits, appearance, dress, language, traditions, beliefs, implements, ornaments, antiquities, etc., of these peculiar and interesting branches of the human fam- ily, now so fast hastening into the grave of oblivion, as well as to procure photographs of their persons, scenes in their life, and a mammoth collection of their various utensils, implements, weapons, ornaments, etc. Purchasing Relics from the Indians. On these journeys I secured a varied and valuable collection of their im- plements and antiquities, traveling thousands of miles over prairie and table- lands, through vast forests and deep canyons, across rugged bluffs and lofty mountains, over desert wastes and through delightful valleys. Leaving the borders of civilization with a team, camping outfit, weapons, photographic material and one companion, sometimes a white man, acting as driver and cook, and sometimes an Indian acting in the same capacity, but generally, es- pecially in the earlier days, going alone, and sometimes on foot, I made these wilderness journeys. The purchases I made among the Indians on these trips were finally, from time to time, conveyed safely to some border settlement, and from there, as opportunity offered, shipped home to Pennsylvania. I have traveled for months and months, summer after summer, among the Indians in their native wilds,, camping right in their villages, and buying what the warriors and squaws would bring to me. Of course, the bulk of these relics were modern, yet many ancient and prehistoric specimens were also secured. The Indians soon learned that I wanted ancient pottery, stone mortars, pestles, axes, club-heads, flint arrow-heads, etc., and they made it an effort to procure them for me. In New Mexico, Arizona and other sections where ancient ruins, unex- plored by white men at that time, still existed, to say nothing of the soil never turned by the plow-share, these ancient relics were then more abundant than they now are. As to what use I could possibly make of such old wares and trinkets, was a mystery to the Indians, and I was often an object of peculiar looks and smiles. But so long as they could get a valuable return for some old implement or trinket that had probably lain idle and discarded for cen- turies, they were interested. Typical Collection No. i. 5 Much of my stock, both ancient and modern, can never be duplicated, only as collectors may be willing to sell, or as heirs may dispose of them after the death of the owners. Many of the modern relics are very old, hav- ing been long in use by the Indians. The time, care and labor expended, to say nothing of the many thousands and thousands of miles traveled, the money invested, and the hardships and privations endured, .as well as the danger often faced, few people in this generation can understand ; yet, if these relics — mute witnesses of the Red Man’s being and skill- — shall be preserved and valued as historical mementoes by this and future generations, after the Red Men who made them, and the white man who spent many of the best years of his life in gathering them, shall be mingled with the dust of mother earth, his efforts will not have been in vain. Exploring Cliff-Dwellings and Mounds. I personally explored the ruins of the ancient Cliff-Dwellers in various sections of the Southwest, and procured pottery and stone relics, conveying over the mountains, across deserts, and through deep, rugged canyons, on the backs of horses and mules and by team, mortars, axes, pottery, etc. The mounds of the Mississippi Valley and the South were also visited, and from them were procured mementoes of the ancient people who had made them. Every State and Territory in the Union has been my roaming ground, as well as portions of Canada, the British northwest and Mexico. These journeys to the Indian country, however, will now cease, the trip of 1902 being the last I shall ever make. The day for obtaining old and used relics from the Indians is now about, if not altogether, past, moreover, many of my old acquaintances among the Red Men have gone to the spirit world, and the accumulating “snows” have made me less able to bear the fatigue and privation of wilderness travel than when I was a younger man. Therefore, I will not likely ever again see the North American Indian in his picturesque village, or sit with him around the cheerful fire of his cozy lodge, nor wander among the mounds and Cliff-dwellings of vanquished races. Other Modes of Procuring Relics. In addition to the ancient relics personally secured from prehistoric ruins or gathered from other localities, or purchased from the Indians, are also relics secured from other persons, such as Indian traders, collectors, dealers, and other persons. Nations and Tribes Represented. Of prehistoric relics the manufacture of the ancient Mound Builders, Cliff-Dwellers, and the Aztecs, are represented by my collections. Of modern Indian relics, the handicraft of the following tribes are represented : Ahowsetts, Acomas, Arickarees, Blackfeet, Assiniboins, Chippewas, Chocklolats, Clayoquots, Cowichans, Cochities, Albernies, Apaches, Bannocks, Cayuses, Bella Bellas, Chehalis, Arapahoes, Bella Coolas, Cheyennes, 6 Typical Collection No. i. Comanches, Creeks, Crees, Crows, Delawares, Diggers, Eskimoes, Eucleulets, Flatheads, Foxes, Frazer Rivers, Gros Ventres, Haidas, Hamatsas, Hesquoits, Hetsikets, Hih Elicits, Hoopas, Isletas, Jemez, Kilsimats, Kiowas, Kitimats, Kitkatlahs, Klamaths, Klaskimoes, Klikatats, Klinkets, Klowitas, Kootenais, Koskimoes, Kyoquoits, ' Lagunas, Machelets, Makahs, Mandans, Maricopas, Massetts, Metlakatlahs Mexican Indians, Mockstocies, Modocs, Mojaves, Mokies, Mowilsits, Nahwittis, Nambes, Nanaimoes, Nava joes, Nez Perces, Nit Nats, Nootkas, Nutlematlas, Omahas, Ottawas, Pawnees, Penobscots, Picuris, Pimas, Pitt Rivers, Piutes, Pomoes, Quastumes, Quatsinoes, Quiniaults, Sacs, San Ildefonsoes, San Juanes, Santa Claras, Santa Domingoes, Sechelts, Shastas, Shoshones, Sioux, Stonies, Taos, Tenactus, Tesuque, Thompson Rivers,, Tooquots, Tsimsheans, Tuscaroras, Ucluclets, Umatillas, Utes, Walla Wallas, Washoes, Wichitas. The Modern Indian Relics. Many of the modern Indian relics I purchased direct from the Indians while in their camps and villages, between the years 1871 to 1902. Those that I did not personally buy from the Aborigines came to me through the hands of Indian traders, interpreters and other persons in the Indian country. Many of these relics I personally procured from the Red Men while living and traveling among them in early days. For instance, I secured many specimens while among various tribes between the years 1872 to 1878, from Indians who were then among the wild and hostile tribes, and in the days of their warfare and buffalo hunting. Such relics cannot be duplicated to-day by purchase from the present Indians, as the young and civilized Indians neither make nor use them. The old people have died, and with their departure has passed out of use the imple- ments, utensils, weapons, garb, ornaments, etc., they made and used. The rapid march of emigration, the scarcity of game, and the great pressure brought to bear upon the young generation of Indians by the Government, for their civilization, has changed Indian customs and stopped the making and using of former Indian implements, utensils, weapons, garb, ornaments, etc. The old men and women have gone to “the happy hunting ground,” and their chil- dren, whom the Government compelled to attend school, speak the white man’s language, adopt the white man’s garb, ways and mode of life, and cannot make the implements, utensils, weapons, ornaments and garb that were made and used by their parents and grandparents, nor do the young and civilized Indians of the day use such things or have them. Typical Collection No. i. 7 A Difference. The value placed upon the Indian relics in the collection herein cata- logued, may be considered higher than the value usually placed upon curios, trinkets, souvenirs, etc., made by the civilized Indians and half-breeds of to-day, and sold by curio and bric-a-brac dealers at summer and winter re- sorts and other places frequented by tourists. However, the experienced dealer, as well as the advanced collector, archaeologist, ethnologist and anti- quarian understands and appreciates the difference between a mere tinseled curio made to sell by young, civilized Indians or half-breeds,, and the old and used Indian garments, weapons, utensils, implements, ornaments, etc., made and used many years ago by the old, and now departed Indians in the days of their more primitive mode of life, and procured from them in their camps and villages in years gone by, when it meant much hardship, privation and danger for a solitary white man to live and travel among them, trading for their wares as I did in the days of their buffalo hunting and warfare. Indian relics are not a commodity that the dealer can secure a stock of at will. The more he sells, the less he will have to sell, and each specimen sold raises the value of those remaining. Indian relics, both ancient and modern, are fast being gathered into museums and scientific institutions. It is not likely that any of them will ever emerge therefrom as a commodity that can be pur- chased, hence, the dealer has little prospect of ever replacing the relics he sells, unless he is so fortunate as to find occasionally, a collector who is willing to part with his treasures, or heirs who want to sell the collection of a deceased friend. Of course the Aborigines who made the stone and other ancient relics have been dead for many centuries, and the most of the modern Indians, if not all of them, who made the modern relics, are now in their grave, or already gone to dust, so that a continuation of the supply of Indian relics is impossible. One day, in 1874, I entered a large village of Ponca Indians, on the Missouri River, near the mouth of Ponca Creek, in northern Nebraska, while the warriors moved about armed and on the lookout for their enemies, the Sioux, and the first night I spent with them I witnessed, until nearly midnight, the wild, half-naked and hideously-painted warriors perform the scalp dance around a pole to which they had fastened the gory hands and scalps of the Sioux whom they had killed near by some days before; the weird scene of the scalp dance being lit up by the glare of a blazing fire, and the occasion hon- ored by a grand feast of dog’s meat. In early days I sometimes entered Indian villages at considerable risk, and was occasionally rudely ..received, until a better acquaintance and the nature of my business among them became known. In 1872 I entered a village of Pawnees on the Platte River, in Western Nebraska, and a group of armed and painted warriors menacingly surrounded me, and began to search my pockets. Becoming rather uneasy, I resisted their conduct and made an effort to leave, when they tried to disarm me. Here an aged warrior came upon the scene and to my relief, and I followed him to another part of the village, after which I was free from molestation. In 1873, while approaching a large village of Sioux Indians, near the mouth of Cheyenne River, South Dakota, I met a similar experience. Sometime after that, during the same year, the Arickaree Indians, near the mouth of Heart River, North Dakota, approached me with firebrands. Later on, during the summer or fall of 1873, the Chippewas, in the then forest wilds of Northern Minnesota, attacked me with stones as I ap- 8 Typical Collection No. i. proached their camp. Yet in every instance I finally left the camps and vil- lages in safety with the relics I had procured. While living among the Sioux, almost as one of them, in 1878, I went to sleep often with the shrill sounds of the warhoop sounding in my ears, as it was uttered by warriors engaged in the revelry of the wild dances’ being performed near by. The relics made and used in that day have now an his- torical and antique value compared with which the curios and trinkets made by the civilized Indians and half-breeds of recent times, and sold by curio and bric- a-brac dealers to tourists, are mere toys, with little or no value as the handi- craft of a vanished race. Some Explanations. This collection of Indian relics is a carefully gleaned representation of the various utensils, weapons, implements, ornaments, garb, etc., of the American Aborigines. It embraces nearly all of the typical specimens of the handicraft of the Mound Builders, Cliff-Dwellers and the modern Indians. Whether the material used in the spear and arrow heads, drills, scrapers, knives and other chipped or flaked implements was flint, chirt, hornstone, obsidian, chalcedony, agate, or some other siliceous stone, it is here, for con- venience, given the usual name of “flint.” Of the large stone implements, whether the material be granite, sand- stone, quartz, or other stone, it is here, for convenience mentioned as “stone,” unless in cases where it seemed well to describe more definitely. Steatite, hema- tite, and slate are not generally herein called “stone.” Beads of glass, porcelain, etc., are for convenience herein called by the general name of “glass.” Leggins, shirts, dresses, moccasins, bags, etc., which were usually made of deer, mountain sheep, moose, elk and other skins, are for convenience, here mentioned as “tanned skin.” All of these different animal skins when tanned soft, thin and pliable by the Indian method, were very similar in appearance, and, when tanned with the hair off, passed in general, more or less, by the term, “buckskin,” though strictly speaking, the name “buckskin” would apply only to the skin of the male deer. When specimens are referred to as “quilled” or “decorated with quills” it is meant that the quills are those of the porcupine dyed in bright colors, and often worked in designs and figures. When specimens are referred to as “beaded,” it is usually meant that the beads of various bright colors, are worked in figures and designs. Moccasins, leggins, etc., and all things in pairs, are herein counted as but one specimen. No difference how many feathers and other things are in a head-dress, no difference how many beads or pieces of wampum, are on a string, it is counted herein as but one specimen. No difference how many arrows are with a bow, they are counted herein as but one \ specimen. The same is true of all specimens ; no difference how many things entered into its makeup, all are herein reckoned as but one specimen. This plan has been car- ried out whenever it seemed practicable, hence the actual number of speci- mens, if counted separately, would be very much larger than the total given in this catalogue. For instance, strings of wampum upon which are over four hundred different pieces, are herein counted as but one specimen. Each specimen bears a number corresponding to the number herein given. Typical Collection No. i. 9 CAT NO. NAME OP SPECIMEN, TEIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. I Flint Arrow Heads, very small and of semi-precious stone, Ore., 20 $13.00 2 Flint Arrow Heads, N. Mex., 33 14.OO 3 Flint Arrow Heads, Mo., 23 7.00 4 Notched Stem Flint Scrapers, Mo., 3 •75 5 Flint Dagger, or Knife, Mo., 1 •50 6 Notched Flint Drills, or Perforators, Mo., 4 3*5° 7 Flint Implement, Pointed at Both Ends, Mo., 1 •75 8 Flint Gouge or Adz, Pike Co., 111., 1 1. 00 9 Flint Knives and Scrapers Combined, Mo., 3 •75 IO Flint Spear Heads, Mo., 12 9 00 ii Flint Arrow Heads, Miss., 8 1.50 12 Flint Drills, or Perforators, Miss., 2 1.50 1 7. Flint Chisels, MissA 2 •5° 14 Flint Spear Heads, 111., .• / 9 6.00 i5 Flint Implements, Miss., 2 •50 16 Flint Knives and Scrapers Combined, Miss., 3 •5o !7 Flint Arrow Heads, 111., 10 2-75 18 Flint Drill, or Perforator, 111., 1 •75 IQ Flint Spear Heads, 111., 2 2.25 20 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, 111., 1 •75 Flint Arrow Heads, Duboistown, Pa., r 22 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, near Fort Sill, Okla., 5 I / 0 •75 23 Flint Arrow Heads, New Holland, York Co., Pa., 5 1. 00 24 Flint Spear Pleads, New Holland, York Co., Pa., 2 1. 00 25 Flint Spear Heads, N. C., 2 .40 26 Flint Spear Head, Bainbridge, Pa., 1 • 5° 27 Flint Arrow Heads, Bainbridge, Pa., 8 125 28 Flint Drills, or Perforators, Bainbridge, Pa., ' 3 1-25 20 Flint Spear Head, La., •25 30 Clay Dice, or Ornaments, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Old Mex., 13 3.00 31 Stone Bead or Wampum Necklace, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Old Mex j 35-OQ 32 Stone Tube, Ancient Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col., I 1. 00 33 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Umatilla River, Ore., I .50 34 Flint Knives and Scrapers Combined, Marsh Run, Pa., 3 1. 00 35 Flint Spear Heads, Marsh Run, Pa., 3 1. 00 36 Flint Arrow Pleads, Marsh Run, Pa., 8 1.30 37 Flint Spear Heads, Fla., 2 •75 38 Notched Stem Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Fla., 1 .40 39 Flint Arrow Heads, Fla., 3 •75 40 Buffalo Horn Ceremonial Wand, or Implement, Northern Cheyenne, Lame Deer Creek, Mon., 1 5.00 4i Sinew Wrapped Bow and Iron Pointed Arrows, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., j 7.00 42 Flint Arrow Heads, Tenn., 7 .90 43 Flint Drills, or Perforators, Tenn., 2 1.50 44 Flint Knives and Scrapers, Combined, Tenn., 2 •75 45 Flint Spear Heads, Tenn., 2 2-75 46 Flint Spear Heads, Ind., 4 2.50 47 Notched Stem Flint Drill, or Perforator, Ind., 1 •5° 48 Flint Chisel, Ind., j .40 49 Flint Implement, Pointed at Both Ends, Ind., 1 .50 5o Flint Arrow Heads, Ind., 3 •85 5i Notched Stem Flint Gouges, or Scrapers, Ind., 2 .60 52 Flint Arrow Heads, Ohio, 12 2.50 53 Flint Spear Heads, Ohio, 1 1. 00 54 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Ohio, 1 •5° 55 Notched Flint Gouges, or Scrapers, Ohio, 2 .40 56 Flint Dagger, or Knife, Ohio, 1 • 50 57 Flint Knife and Scraper, Combined, Ky., 1 .60 58 Notched Stem Flint Gouge, or Scraper, Ky., 1 •25 59 Flint Arrow Heads, Ky., 2 .40 IO Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 no NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. Flint Spear Heads, Ky., | Flint Spear Heads, Md., Flint Arrow Heads, Md., ./ Flint Arrow Heads, La., Flint Arrow. Heads, W. Va., Flint Spear Head, Va., Flint Arrow Heads, Va., Flint Arrow Heads, Canada, Flint Arrow Heads, N. C., Flint ‘ rrow Heads, Ariz., Stone Tube, Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col., Stone Ball, Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col., Miniature Clay Mortar and Pestle, mound, Poinsett Co., Ark., Flint Arrow Pleads, Wash., Flint Arrow Heads, Wis., . Flint Arrow Heads, Ark., Flint Arrow Head, N. Y., Flint Chisel, or Scraper, N. Y., Flint Arrow Heads, Cal., Flint Implement, Pointed at Both Ends, Cal., . . .- Flint Spear Plead, la., Flint Arrow Head, Tex., Flint Arrow Heads, Conn., . . V Flint Arrow Heads, Ga., Flint Arrow Heads, Me., Flint Spear Heads, Ga., Clay Jar, mound, Poinsett Co., Ark., Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Sioux squaw, Ponca Creek, Neb., Flint Implement, Pointed at Both Ends, Wis., Flint Dagger, or Knife, Wis., Curved Flint Scraper, Wis., Flint Knives and Scrapers, Combined, Mass., . . .' Flint Arrow Heads, Mass., Notched Flint Gouge, or Scraper, Mass., Sandstone Image of Human Face, or Idol, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Mex., Flint Arrow Heads, Old Mex., . White Stone Image of Human Face, with Crowned Head, or Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, Old Mex., Notched Flint Gouges, or Scrapers, Va., Flint Spear Head, Mich., Perforated Steatite Gorget, Ga., Squaw’s Leggins, tanned skin, heavily beaded in colored designs, Sioux squaw, near Little White River, S. Dak., Flint Spear Head Pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Squaw’s Leggins and Moccasins Combined, tanned skin, heavily beaded in colored designs, Arapaho squaw, North Canadian River, Okla., Squaw’s Belt, solidly beaded in colored figures, Shoshone squaw, Port Neuf River, Ida., Leggins and Moccasins Combined, tanned skin, heavily beaded in colored designs, Arapaho squaw, North Canadian River, Okla., .,. Flint Dagger, or Knife, Mo., v Deerskin, soft white tan, Flathead squaw, Joco River, Mon., ........ Warrior’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, Bad River, S. Dak., Squaw’s Leggins, tanned skin, heavily beaded in colored designs, Ponca Creek, Neb., _ Boy’s Shirt, tanned skin, fringed and beaded, Shoshone, Weber River, Utah, Boy’s Leggins, tanned skin, fringed and beaded, Kiowa, Washita River, Okla., No. of Spec. VALUE. $1.25 •50 1. 00 »75 1.25 1. 00 1. 00 1.50 1. 00 2.00 1.50 •75 2.00 •75 •75 1. 00 •25 •5° 1.25 • 75 1.25 .25 1- 25 •75 •5o •40 19.00 4-75 •50 • 75 •5o .40 •75 .40 25.00 2.00 38.00 .20 .50 2- 75 19.00 1. 00 23.00 15.00 23.00 •25 15.00 9.00 15.00 50.00 20.00 .Typical Collection No. i. ii OAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. off Spec. 1 VALUE. ,.i Boy’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Kiowa, Washita River, Okla., ........................ .............. I $3.25 1 12 Girl’s Dress, tanned skin, fringed and beaded, Apache squaw, Washita River, Okla., 1 180.00 IX3 Girl’s Leggins, tanned skin, beaded, Crow squaw, Little Big Horn River, Mon., 6.00 114 Warrior’s Moccasins, tanned skin, fringed and beaded, Comanche, Cache Creek, Okla., 1 8.25 115 Girl’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Apache squaw, Washita River, Okla., ..... Flint Arrow Head, S. W. Col, ....................... ...... I 2.75 116 I .25 117 Belt, or Band, dyed porcupine quills, in design, Sioux, Upper Mis- souri River, N. Dak., I 3-75 118 Squaw’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 7-5° 119 Flint Arrow Heads, Del, 6 1. 00 120 Indian-made Maple Sugar, Chippewa squaw, Red Lake, Minn., ...... 1 •So 12 1 Human Scalp (Sioux), full length, skin intact, Arickaree, Missouri River, N. Dak., ................................................ 1 100.00 122 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., ............. 1 3-75 123 Awl Case, tanned skin, beaded, with pendants, Apache, Gila River, Ariz., 1 7.00 124 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Comanche, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., . . . 1 3-75 125 Knife Sheath, tanned hide, beaded, colored design, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., 1 4.25 i*75 126 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., ............. 1 127 Storage Case, rawhide, painted dtesigns, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 6.00 128 Box, birch bark, decorated with dyed porcupine quills, Pottawattamie, S. W. Mich., 1 3-5° I29 Wampum Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Comanche, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla.; 1 1.50 130 Flint Spear Head, Del, ^ . 1 .50 131 Clay Pot, burial mound, Mo., 1 3-50 132 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Comanche, Cache Creek, Okla., .... 1 4.00 133 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Kiowa, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., . . 1 2.50 134 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Apache, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., ..... 1 3.50 I3S Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Umatilla, near Umatilla River, Ore., 1 3-25 I36 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., ....... 1 4.00 137 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Gros Ventre, Milk River, Mon., ............ 1 4.00 138 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ....... 1 1.50 139 Clay Olio, Moki, N.- E. Ariz., X 2.25 140 Human Scalp (Sioux), full length, skin intact, Arickaree, Upper Mis- souri River, N. Dak., ........................................... 1 100.00 141 Awl Case,, tanned skin, beaded, in colored designs, Apache, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., j 3:50 I42 Wooden Dipper, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., Awl Case, rawhide, beaded in colored designs, Blackfoot, Bow' River, Alberta, B. A., 1 7.50 143 • 2.25 3*25 I44 Knife Sheath, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., t MS Paint Bag, tanned skin, quilled and beaded, Sioux, Bad River, S. Dak., 1 4-So I46 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 3*25 147 Image of Snake, solidly beaded in colored designs, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 3-5° I48 Belt, or Band, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, Upper Mis- souri River, N. Dak., 1 4-25 I49 Wampum Bag, tanned skin, beaded in colored figtires, Apache, Medi- cine Bluff Creek, Okla., 1 2.50 150 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 3-25 151 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., . . 1 7.00 152 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., ........ 1 6.25 153 Wampum Bag, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Comanche, 1 Cache Creek, Okla., 1 3.00 12 Typical, Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TEIBE FBOM WHOM OBTAINED, OB LOCALITY WEEBE FOUND | NO. Of 1 Spec 1 VALUE. 154 Bag, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, metal pendants, Apache, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., .................................... 1 $6.oa* 155 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Gros Ventre, Milk River, Mon., ........... 1 8.00* . Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Shoshone, Weber River, Utah, ............ 1 2.25 157 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., ............. 1 3-25 158 Human Bones, Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col, .......................... 5 10.00- 159 Knife Sheath, beaded in colored designs, Chippewa, Upper Mississippi River, Minn., .................................................. 1 4.00 160 Squaw’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Cree, Mis- soula River, Mon., 1 9.50 161 Skull Cap, wolf skin, beaded, eagle feather pendants, Cree, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., ................................................. j 25.00 *2 DO* 162 Necklace, sweet grass, beaded, Stonie squaw, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 163 Ball, solidly beaded, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., ........ 1 3.5O- 164 Indian Hair, or Scalp Lock, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., 1 25.OO 165 Bow, sinew-backed, also flint and bone-tipped Arrows, Hoopa, Nor. Cab, 7............... 1 9.OO 166 Brush, sweet grass, Pottawattamie, S. W. Mich., ................... •75 167 Head Pendant, platted horse hair, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 3.00 168 Lodge Ornament, hair and animal toes, Arapaho. North Canadian River, Okla., ................................................... 1 8.00* 169 Drum Stick, beaded, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., ....... ....... 1 5.00 170 Dance Rattle, rawhide, Blackfoot, Bow River, \ Alberta, B. A., ........ 1 3 00 171 Dance Rattle, rawhide, fur and feather pendants, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 5.00 172 Hair Braid Wraps, beaver or otter fur, Kiowa, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., j 6.00 173 Hair Braid Wraps, beaver or otter fur, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 7.00 174 Dance Armlets, fur and quills, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., ............ 1 10.00 175 Dance Armlets, skin of deer legs, hair and hoofs intact, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., ............................................ 1 13.00 176 Medicine Bag, skin of entire spotted fawn, hair intact, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., ................................... 1 15.00 177 Medicine Bag, skin of entire squirrel, hair intact, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 5.00 178 Medicine Bag, skin of entire gopher, hair intact, Cree, Missoula River, Mon., 1 9.00 179 Bracelets, metal, Cheyenne squaw, Washita River, Okla., ............ 1 Iso 180 Bracelets, brass, Apache squaw, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., ....... 1 1. 00 181 Necklace, of fruit stones or perhaps Mexican Gulf beans, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., ................................... 1 3-50 182 Canoe, miniature, birch bark, Pottawattamie, S. W. Mich., ........... 1 1. 5° 183 Gun Cover, tanned skin, beaded, Cayuse, Umatilla River, Ore., ....... 1 20.00 184 Tobacco and Pipe Bag, tanned skin, quilled and beaded, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., I 34.00 185 Tobacco and Pipe Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., ; 1 17.00 | 186 Head-dress, turkey feathers, deer-skin band, with hair and hoofs in- tact, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., 1 12.00 187 Head-dress, or War Bonnet, turkey feathers, long feather trail, beaded head band, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., .............. 1 25.00 / 188 Idol, or Image, clay, Pueblo, Tesuque River, N. Mex., .............. 1 ■ 3-50; 189 Tobacco and Pipe Bag, tanned skin, beaded and quilled, Cree, Upper Missouri River, Mon., 1 36.50 190 Umbelicus Pendant, image of turtle, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., . 1 5-oc 191 Doll, tanned skin, beaded, Shoshone squaw, Weber River, Utah, ..... 1 3-59 192 Dance Rattle, rawhide, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., ....... 1 4.2c 193 Perforated Ax-Shaped Stone Ceremonial, Ala., ..................... 1 10.00 194 Feather Head Ornament, Comanche, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla,, . . . 1 3*7! Typical Collection No. i. 13 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND No. of Spec. | VALUE. 195 Ax-Shaped Steatite Banner, or Ceremonial Mace, perforated, Va., 1 $8.00 196 Dyed Feather Head Ornament, Apache, Washita River, Okla., 1 6.50 197 Feather Head Ornament, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., . . . . . 1 3-5° 198 Hair and Feather Head Ornament, Comanche, Cache Creek, Okla., . . 1 i-75 199 Fan, eagle feathers, handle solidly beaded in colored designs, Apache squaw, Washita River, Okla., 1 25.00 200 Necklace, glass beads, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., 1 2.00 201 Necklace, glass beads, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 1.50 202 Mat, woven flag, Chippewa squaw, Leech Lake, Minn., .............. Head Pendant, dyed feathers and fur, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., . . 1 2.00 203 1 7.00 204 Dance Rattle, rawhide, Cree, Ten-Mile Creek, Mon., 1 2.50 2°5 Papoose Cradle, miniature, tanned skin, beaded in colored figures, shell pendants, Apache squaw, Beef Creek, Okla., 1 10.00 206 Head-dress, turkey and elk beard, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., 1 8.00 207 Breast Frontlet, hair pipe, beaver or otter fur pendants, Arapaho, * North Canadian River, Okla., 1 16.00 208 Necklace, bear’s claws, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., 1 25.00 209 Necklace, buffalo-horn tips, Sioux squaw, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 20.00 210 Dyed Porcupine Quills, Sioux squaw, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 3.00 21 1 Idol, or Image, stone, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 7.00 212 Basket, Apache squaw, Gila River, Ariz., 1 2.50 2I3 Rope, moose-hide, Cree, Ten-Mile Creek, Mon., 1 7.00 214 Clay Pitcher, Acoma Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., 1 i-75 215 Portion of Buffalo Hide, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., .... 1 35-oo 216 Corns-Cobs, Cliff Dwelling, Walnut Canyon, Ariz., 6 3.00 217 Wooden Bowl, Black-foot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 25.00 218 Clay Bowl, Burial Mound, Scott Co., Mo., 1 8.00 219 Clay Olio, Zuni Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., 1 2.00 220 Clay Dipper, Moki Pueblo, N. E. Ariz., 1 1.50 221 Clay Bowl, Laguna Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., I •50 222 Clay Olio, Laguna Pueblo, S. W.. N. Mex., . 1 i-75 223 Water Bottle, wicker, pitched, Apache squaw, White River, Ariz., .... 1 9.00 224 Clay Pitcher, Mohave Squaw, Colorado River, Cal., 1 2-75 225 Iron Pipe Tomahawk, perforated wooden handle, Ponca, Ponca Creek, Neb., 1 20.00 226 Deerskin, smoked tan, Bannock, Ross Creek, Ida., 1 12.00 227 Stone War Club, Sioux, White Clay Creek, S. Dak., 1 6.00 228 Stone War Club, Cree, Ten-Mile Creek, Mon., 1 6.00 229 Stone War Club, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex 1 4.50 230 Bone Pendant, beaded, Comanche, Washita River, Okla., 1 2.50 23I Metal Spoon, handle decorated with dyed porcupine quills, Sioux, Missouri River, N. Dak., j 1. 00 232 Pot Shaping and Smoothing Stone, mound, near Bismarck, N. Dak., . . 1 •50 233 Necklace, beads and shells, Isleta Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 2.00 234 Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Assiniboin, Milk River, Mon., 1 4-5° 235 Paint Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 4-5° 236 Notched Flint Scraper, Md., 1 i • 1 5 237 Plaque, or Plate, vegetable fibre, Moki Pueblo, N. E. Ariz., 1 3-50 238 1 Bone War Whistle, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., U 1 15.00 239 Mescal Root, Apache, Gila River, Ariz., 1 .50 240 Wooden Comb, Walla Walla, Umatilla River, Ore., i 3.00 241 Stone Celt, or Adz., Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., .... 1 T-25 242 Clay Dipper, Moki Pueblo, N. E. Ariz., 1 I.50 243 Wooden Wall Peg, apparently shows cutting with stone ax, Cliff Dwelling, Walnut Canyon, Ariz., 1 I.50 244 Wild Turnips, Sioux squaw, Poplar River, Mon. Bread Roots, Umatilla squaw, Umatilla River, Ore., 34 2.50 245 20 4-00 246 Root Bread, Umatilla, Eastern Ore., 8 2.50 247 Slate Pendant, Dauphin County, Pa., 1 1.25 248 Pottery Image, or Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., 1 i5.oo 249 Paint Cup, hematite, Comanche, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., 1 1.25 14 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO NAME OP SPECIMEN, • TRIBE FEOM WHOM OBTAINED, QE LOCALITY WHEEE FOUND. 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 262 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 Buffalo Horn Spoon, Cheyenne, Washita River, Okla., Paint Cup, lava stone, Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Bad River, S. Dak., Wooden Dish, Sioux squaw, Bad River, S. Dak., Bow and Arrows, Mohave, Colorado River, Cal., Metates, major and minor, near White River, Ariz., Clay Water Bottle, Moki Pueblo, N. E. Ariz., Grooved Stone War Club, or Mallet Head, Cliff Dwelling, Walnut Canyon, Ariz., Pot Shaping and Smoothing Stone, lava, Cliff Dwelling, Walnut Canyon, Ariz., Obsidian Image of Human Face, or Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., Steatite Idol, or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., Grooved Stone Ax, Gila River, Ariz., Clay Idol, or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., . . . Grooved Stone War Club Head, or Mallet, S. W. N. Mex., Ornamented Rawhide, Arickaree, near Knife River, N. Dak., Knife Sheath, rawhide, painted in designs, Bannock, Ross Creek, Ida., Medicine Case, rawhide, decorated in colored figures, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., Storage Case, rawhide, painted, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., xAmcient Clay Pipe, Jackson County, 111., Shell Necklace, or Wampum, Coosa River, Ga., Knife Sheath, rawhide, painted in colored designs, Sioux squaw, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak., Bag, rawhide, painted, Walla Walla, Umatilla River, Ore., Squaw’s Belt, rawhide, painted in colored designs, Pawnee squaw, Bear Creek, Okla., '... Knife Sheath, rawhide, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., Clay Olio, burial mound, Scott County, Mo., Notched Slate Gorget, Ind., Storage Case, rawhide, painted, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., Storage Bag, tanned skin, quilled and beaded, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., Clay Pit6her, Tesuque Pueblo, Tesuque River, N. Mex., Riding Whip, dyed horse hair, Taos Pueblo, N. Mex., Warrior’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, North- ern Cheyenne, Lame Deer Creek, Mon., Necklace, dried berries, Pawnee, Bear Creek, Okla., Clay Bowl, Tesuque Pueblo, Tesuque River, N. Mex., Clay Water Bottle, Acoma Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., Buffalo Horns Mounted, with buffalo hide, Cree, Missoula River, Mon., Flint Scraper, mound, near Bismarck, N. Dak., Buffalo Horns, polished, mounted with Buffalo hide, Sioux, Poplar River, Mon., Obsidian Implement, Aztecs, or their decendants, Southern Mex., .... Iron Pipe Tomahawk, with perforated wooden handle, Sioux, Mis- souri River, N. Dak., Stone Mallet, rawhide handle, meat and plum pounder, Sioux, Bad River, S. Dak., Ornament, deer leg and hoof, Sioux, Bad River, S. Dak., Comb, porcupine tail, beaded in colored designs, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., Stone Mallet, rawhide handle, meat and plum pounder, Sioux, Ponca Creek, Neb., Stone Mallet, rawhide handle, meat and plum pounder, Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., Bag, tanned skin, beaded, Pawnee, Bear Creek, Okla., Sewing Sinew, Cree, Ten-Mile Creek, Mon., No of Spec. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I VALUE. $10.00 1.50 .50 37-oo 4.00 17.00 2-75 1. 00 1. 00 14.00 30.00 5.00 .35-0° 5-5o •So 6.00 40.00 6.25 4.00 6.00 2-75 •2.00 5.00 12.00 10.00 3.00 16.50 16.00 •75 5-oo 13.00 •75 1- 75 2- 25 20.00 -15 40.00 6.75 45.OO 9.00 4.00 9.00 9.OO 10.00 3-75 3-oo- Typical Collection No. i. 15 CAT. NO. name: op specimen, tribe from whom obtained, or locality where found. No of Spec. VALUE. 296 Elkhorn Hide Scraper, Sioux squaw, Bad River, S. Dak., 297 298 299 300 3°i 302 303 3°4 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Medicinal Root, or Bulb, Umatilla, N. E. Ore. Horn Spoon, Comanche squaw, Cache Creek, Okla., Horn Spoon, Ponca, Ponca Creek, Neb., Grooved Stone Pestle, Lancaster County, Pa., Grooved Stone Ax, Columbia, Pa., Clay Bowl, Zuni Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., Stone Celt, or Chisel, Marsh Run, Pa., Stone Celt, or Chisel, Bainbridge, Pa., Notched Stone Ax, or Hoe, Marsh Run, Pa., Grooved Stone Hoe, Lancaster County, Pa., Stone Pestle, Lancaster County, Pa., Notched Flint Hoe, or Spear, Juniata County, Pa., Flint Club Head, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., Granite Celt, or Ungrooved Hatchet, Bainbridge, Pa., Grooved Stone Ax, Lancaster County, Pa., Iron Pipe Tomahawk Head, Cape Girardeau County, Mo., ........... Clay Bowl, Moki Pueblo, N. E. Ariz., Grooved Stone Hoe, or Ax, Lancaster County, Pa., Whetstone, Columbia River Indian, Spokane River, Wash., Ceremonial Bland Bones, Cree, Missoula River, Mon., Traders’ Wampum Necklace, on rawhide, Ute, Ogden River, Utah, . . Breast Frontlet, solid beadwork, Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., . . . Wooden War Club, ball knob, carved, Cree, near Red River, Man., . . Shell Ear Pendants, Shoshone, Weber River, Utah, Shell Ear Pendants, Cayuse, Umatilla River, Ore., Dance Leg Sash, beaded, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., Necklace, bears’ teeth, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., Pendant, beaded deer’s tail, Bannock, Ross Creek, Ida., Dance Armlets, solidly beaded in colored designs, wampum shell pendants, «Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., Shell Ear Ornaments, Sioux, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak., Hair Ornament, beads, fur and bells, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., Steel Awl, bone handle, Columbia River Indian, Spokane River, Wash., Necklace, hair pipes and beads, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., Horn Dance Wand, skin covered handle, Cree, near Red River, Man., Dance Rattle, animal hoofs, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., Necklace, Iroquois wampum shells, Sioux, S. Dak., Necklace, glass beads, Ponca squaw, Salt Fork of Arkansas River, Okla., Metal Ear Rings, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., Bead Necklace, beaded umbilicus pendant, Bannock, Ross Creek, Ida., Necklace, solid beadwork, Shoshone, Weber River, Ida., Necklace, shell wampum, Isleta Pueblo, Rio Grande River, 1 N. Mex.,.. Dance Rattle, animal hoofs, Sioux, Bad River, S. Dak., Necklace, beads and cut and scalloped shells, Columbia River Indian, Spokane River, Wash., Stone Arrow Polisher, or Straightener (?), Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Necklace, beads and shells, Cayuse, Umatilla River, Ore., Hair Ornament, beads and fur, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., Stone War Club, carved wood handle, fur trimmings, limp, Cree, near Red River, Man., Necklace, tanned skin, shell pendant, beaded, Columbia River Indian, Spokane River, Wash., Clay Water Bottle, Mohave squaw, Colorado River, Cal., Sinew-wrapped Bow, with Flint and Iron-tipped Arrows, Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Bow, with Iron-tipped Arrows, Apache, near Cache Creek, Okla., Buckskin, Vegetable-fibre Cord and Cloth, Feather-work, &c., in frag- ments, Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col., Bow, with Blunt Wood, Iron and Flint-tipped Arrows, *Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., $11.00 1. 00 2.50 3-25 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 .40 .40 .50 5.0c 1.25 2.00 2.00 •75 1.25 15.00 3.00 2.50 1. 00 7.00 5.00 7.00 8.75 2.50 6.00 15.00 JO.OO 8.50 7.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3-5° 6.00 5.00 1.50 6.00 1.25 2.00 3-25 18.00 7.00 2.50 I*5° 2.00 5.00 5-5° 2.00 8.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 7.00 Typical Collection No. i. 1 6 CAT. HO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No of Spec. VALUE. 35° Pot Shaping and Smoothing Stone, Laguna Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., . . 1 $0.50 351 Head of Wicker Bed Screen, Cheyenne, Washita River, Okla., 1 7.00 352 Bow and Arrow Quiver, rawhide, decorated in colored figures, Apache, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., 1 20.00 353 Bag, wild hemp, Cayuse, Umatilla River, Ore., 1 9.00 354 Dance Drum, rawhide, Cree, Ten-Mile Creek, Mon., 1 6.90 355 Basket-shaped Utensil, wild hemp, Cayuse, Umatilla River, Ore., ..... I 16.50 35^ Bag, tanned elk hide, hair and hoofs intact, Cree, Missoula River, Mon., 1 25.00 6.50 357 Basket-shaped Utensil, wild hemp, Cayuse squaw, Umatilla River, Ore., 1 . . 1 358 Maple Sugar Box, birch bark, Chippewa squaw, Leech Lake, Minn.,.. Water Bottle, wicker, pitched, Ute, Pine River, Col., 1 3-75 359 1 7.00 360 Basket-shaped Utensil, wild herqp, Cayuse squaw, Umatilla River, Ore., 1 5-25 26.00 361 Yakima Basket, Cayuse squaw, Umatilla River, Ore., 1 362 Basket, Apache squaw, Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., “Kin-ne-ki-nic”, or Smoking Mixture, Assiniboin, Missouri River, Mon., 1 7-75 363 1 2.00 364 Red Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, Ponca Creek, Neb., 1 i3-5o 365 Red Stone Pipe, wooden stem, quilled, Sioux, Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 10.00 366 Inlaid Red Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 7.00 367 Red Stone Pipe, perforated stone stem, Sioux, Missouri River, N Dak., 1 9-5° 6.00 368 Red Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, Missouri River, S. Dak., 1 369 Umbilicus Pendant, beaded in colored designs, Kiowa, Washita River, Okla., I i-75 4.00 37o Red Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, Missouri River, S. Dak., 1 37i Inlaid Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 5.00 372 Black Stone Pipe, bowl carved in shape of animal head, wooden stem, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., 1 7.00 373 Stone Pestle, near Zuni River, S. W. N. Mex., I 1. 00 374 Inlaid Black Stone Pipe, carved wooden stem, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., 1 10.00 375 Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Blackfoot, Bow River, Alberta, B. A., r 6.50 376 Inlaid Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., . . . 1 4.00 377 Inlaid Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Columbia River Indian, .Spo- kane River, Wash., 1 4.00 378 Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Bannock, Ross Creek, Ida., 1 3.00 379 Brown Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Sioux, White Clay Creek, S. Dak.,.. 1 7.00 380 Inlaid Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Flathead, Joco River, Mon., 1 5.00 381 Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Chippewa, Upper Mississippi River, Nor. Minn., . . . . . 1 4-5° 382 Sandstone Pipe, wooden stem, Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., 1 4.00 383 Blue Stone Pipe, wooden stem, , Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., . . . . . 1 3-5° 384 Blue Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., 1 5.00 385 Tubular Blue Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Shoshone, Port Neuf River, Ida., 1 4-5° 386 Red Stone Pipe Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, fine carving, Sioux, Sioux River, S. Dak., 1 n»5° 387 Red Stone Pipe Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, fine carving, Sioux, Sioux River, S. Dak., 1 9-5° 388 Red Pipe-stone Ceremonial or Onamental Knife, Sioux, Sioux River, S. Dak., 1 3-75 1.50 389 Bone Awl, mound, Ark., 1 390 Black Stone Pipe, wooden stem, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., ....... 1 7-5° 391 Human Bones, mound, Fla., 10 5.00 392 Clay Water Bottle Stopper, burial mound, Mo., 1 3.00 393 Clay Water Bottle, mound, near St. Louis, Mo., 1 23-50 394 Clay Water Bottle, mound, Mo., 1 32.50 395 Clay Bowl, mound, Ark., ; 1 7. CO 396 Discoidal Stone, Jackson County, 111., 1 7 00 Typical Collection No. i. i 7 CAT. NO. N..ME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. | spec°f | VALUE. 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 4X1 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 4^3 424 425 426 429 430 431 43 2 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 45° 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Carved Stone Image of Fish Head, Aztecs^ or their descendants, Southern Mex., Necklace, beads, Cayuga County, N. Y., Perforated Slate Gorget, Ohio, Perforated Slate Pendant, Ohio, Perforated Slate Gorget, Ky., Perforated Bone Pendant, So. Cal., Perforated Slate Gorget, Ind., Perforated Slate Gorget, Ohio, Clay Olio, Acoma Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., Flint Spear Head, S. W. N. Mex., Perforated Slate Pendant, Ohio, Ear Ornaments, turquois wampum, Cochiti Pueblo, N. Mex., Necklace, turquois wampum, Cochiti Pueblo, N. Mex., Perforated Discoidal Stone, Ky., Stone Plummet, or Pendant, Fla., . Perforated Steatite Cone, Ga., L Grooved Stone Pendant, or Ornament, Ohio, Perforated Steatite Pendant, Mass., Perforated Steatite Gorget, Mass., Hematite Charm, or Pendant, Ohio, Stone Celt, near Red Pipestone Quarry, S. W. Minn., Granite Celt, or Gouge, Ohio, Obsidian Implement, Aztecs, or their descendants, Southern Mex., . . Flint Knife, wooden handle, Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Del., Notched Sandstone Sinkers, Duboistown, Pa., . .* Sandstone Tube, Tenn., Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Cliff Dwelling, S. W. Col., Granite Celt, or Ungrooved Hatchet, W. Va., Stone Anvil, or Nut Stone, Ark., Brown Stone Pipe, Tenn., Discoidal Stone, Tenn., ; Clay Pipe, mound, Ga., ? Grooved Stone Ax., la., Stone Celt, or Ungrooved Hatchet, Ala., Bell-shaped Stone Pestle, Ind., Flint Scraper, N. Dak., Anvils, or Nut Stones, Duboistown, Pa., Clay Water Bottle, Zuni Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., Rubbing or Polishing Stone, Duboistown, Pa., Grooved Stone Ax, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Pot Polishing or Shaping Stone, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Perforated Sandstone Gorget, Va., Notched Stone Sinker, Del., Grooved Stone Ax, Mass., Grooved Stone Ax, 111., Grooved Stone Ax, Rinely, Pa., Grooved Stone Ax, Ga., Grooved Stone War Club Head, Ind., Discoidal Stone, Tenn., Granite Celt, or Ungrooved Hatchet, Wyandotte, Kan., Stone Pestle, N. Y., Boy’s Moccasins, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, Northern Cheyenne, Lame Deer Creek, Mon., Steatite Turtle Head Pipe, Ga., Discoidal Stone, Gordon Co., Ga., Stone Ornament, Austin, Pa., Slate Ornament, Austin, Pa., Discoidal Stone, Ga., Stone Cone, Ga., Flint Spear Head, Lancaster County, Pa., Hematite Bolas, or Egg-shaped Cone, S. C., 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r j r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7-50 2.50 2.50 1. 00 1.50 2.00 4.00 2-75 2-75 1. 00 2.00 15.00 25.00 1.50 •50 •50 •5o •5° •75 •25 .50 3.00 9.00 2.00 •50 •50 7.00 1.50 •75 1.50 10.00 5-oo 18.00 2-75 1.25 3.00 •5o 2.50 2.50 •75 3.25 2.00 2.50 •25 .50 1.25 1.50 2-75 3.00 8.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 1.50 •25 •5o 1.25 •5o T.50 2.25 1 8 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND No. of Spec VALUE. 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 46.5 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 Hematite Rolas. or Effer-shaned Cone. 8. C | 1 $2.25 Grooved Stone Disk, Ohio, 1 •75 .60 Stone Ball, Ohio, 1 Stone Plummet, 111., 1 4.00 2.25 4.00 1.25 Clay Olio, Zuni Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., 1 Stone War Club, Taos Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 Carved Flint Scraper, or Knife, ;Mo., 1 Perforated Steatite Ornament, or Banner Stone, Va., 1 2.00 Flint Spade, 111., 1 1 1. 00 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Ohio, 1 3-25 5.00 5.00 3-50 8.00 Notched Flint Ax., Mo., 1 Iron Tomahawk Blade, Cape Girardeau County, Mo., 1 Flint Adz, or Hoe, 111., 1 Perforated Slate Banner Stone, or Mace, Mich., 1 Pot Polishing or Smoothing Stone, Miss., 1 •50 1-25 5 00 8.00 Grooved Stone Ax, or Tomahawk, Ohio, 1 Hematite Plummet, 111., 1 Cup Stone, Ind., ! 1 Stone Mortar and Pestle, 111 1 3.00 .40 2.00 Clay Bowl, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 4/ / 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 aq r Perforated Steatite Stone, or Stone Ring, Cal., > 1 Bell-shaped Stone Pestle, Ohio, 1 3-oo i-75 i-75 •5° •75 1. do Grooved Stone Ax, W. Va., 1 Flint Celt, or Hatchet, Jackson County, 111., 1 Rubbing or Polishing Stone, Ohio, 1 Stone Celt, or Chisel, R. I., 1 Grooved Granite Mallet, or War Club Head, Mass., 1 Stone Celt, or Gouge, Ohio, 1 1.50 1.50 .60 Grooved Stone War Club, or Mallet Head, Ohio, 1 Clay Urn, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 Steatite Tube, Ala., 1 12.00 Grooved Stone Ax or Tomahawk Tib, 1 i-75 1.25 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 3-75 1. 00 Grooved Stone Ax, or Tomahawk, 111., 1 Notched Flint Hoe, Mo., I *ry AQ2 Grooved Stone Mallet, or War Club Head, Ohio, 1 493 AQA Grooved Stone Ax, Ohio, 1 Flint Snear Head N H 1 495 496 497 a ~ y ’ Obsidian Knife, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex., Flint 8na do Til 1 1 ’ ’ ’ * ' * ' Flint Spear Head, Mass., 1 2.00 Grooved Stone War Club, or Mallet Head, Ind., 1 2.00 49° 499 5 00 5°i 502 5°3 504 505 Grooved Stone Ax, 111., 1 2-75 1 .00 Grooved Stone Pestle, Ohio, 1 Flint Adz., Mo., . 1 2.00 Discoidal Stone Conn., . . . . 1 3-25 •50 •5° 1.50 30.00 Flint Knife and Scraper Combined Red Take Minn 1 Nntrbed Stem Flint Gniisre nr Drill. Ua ... 1 Necklace, solid beadwork, deer hoof pendants, Pawnee, Ob la Bear Creek, 1 506 507 508 Marble Mortar, Ga , • 1 Perforated Mica-schist Ceremonial Mace, or Banner Stone, Ga., .... Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, Sioux, Sioux River, S Dak 1 1 20.00 3-25 rnn Shell or Bone Beads, or Wampum, So Cal , 1 1.00 510 ctt Bone or Shell Beads or Wampum mound 111 , 1 2.50 Targe Bone or Shell Beads or Wampum mound, 111., 1 5-oo j11 512 513 514 c jc I nng Tubular G1a Basket, Chehalis, N. W. Wash, Basket, Chehalis, N. W. Wash, Basket, Yakima, nedr Yakima River, Wash, Cedar Splint Hat, decorated, Quatsino, Vancouver Island, B. Col, . . . Cedar Splint Hat, Kilsimat, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Sifter, or Winnow, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev, Sifter, or Winnow, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev, Squaw Belt, solidly beaded, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev, Squaw Belt, solidly beaded in colored designs, Chippewa, near Red Lake, Minn, Squaw Belt, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Squaw Belt, solidly beaded in colored figures, Mohave, near Colorado River, E. Cal, Squaw Belt, solidly beaded in colored figures, wampum shell pendants, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev, 1 Fish Hook, wood and bone, Alberni, Vancouver Island, B. Col, ...... Flint Knife and Scraper Combined, Aztec, So. Mex, Obsidian Knife and Scraper Combined, Aztec, So. Mex, Steatite Image of Human Face, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex, Flint Arrow Heads, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Whalebone Hide Scraper, Clayoquot, Vancouver Island, B. Col, White Stone Idol, Fetich, or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex, Stone or Clay Ornament, or Implement, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex, Image of Man or Woman, and Bird or Reptile Head, etched on white stone, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex, Image of Human Face Etched on White Stone, Aztecs or their de- scendants, So. Mex, Image of Human Body and Snake, carved on white stone, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VALUE. $4.00 60.00 11. 00 25.00 16.00 22.00 4.00 8.00 6- 75 7.00 13-5° 3.00 3.00 7.25 7.25 3-25 12.00 9.00 15.00 18.00 27.00 48.00 10.00 65.00 60.00 18.75 i7-5o 12.75 15.00 18.50 9.00 7- 75 7-75 9.00 i5-5o 2.75 4.00 6.25 16.00 4.00 25.00 26.00 1.50 15.00 10.00 10.00 Typical Collection No. i. 27 CAT. I NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TEIBE FEOM WHOM OBTAINED, OE LOCALITY WHEEE FOUND. No. of I Spec. 1 VALUE. 920 Image of Native Warrior, etched on white stone, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex., 1 $10.00 921 Deer-Horn Pipe, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., 1 6.00 922 Wooden War Club, carved from trunk and root of a sapling, Penob- scot Maine, 1 9.00 20.00 923 Clay Idol, or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Mex., 1 924 Clay Olio, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 1.50 925 Clay Olio, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 2.50 926 Iroquois Shell Wampum Necklace, on sinew thread, rawhide bars, Sioux, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak., 1 14.00 927 Dance and Medicine Rattle, rawhide, decorated, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, 1 4.00 5-5o 928 Iroquois Shell Wampum Necklace, shell pendant, on sinew thread, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak., 1 929 Grooved Stone Mallet Head, very large, Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 0.00 93o Stone Slab, used for kneading corn bread dough, Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., T y 10.50 51.00 93i Stone Metate, major and minor, Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., . . 2 932 Grooved Stone Mallet Head, very large, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 6.00 933 Stone Mortar and Pestle, Saint Nicholas Island, off So. Cal. Coast, . . 2 15.00 934 Perforated Stone, perhaps used in ancient smelting, Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 6.00 935 Stone Mortar on Legs, with Pestle, Aztecs, or their descendants, Old Mex., 2 35-o° n-5° 936 Clay Pitcher, Cliff Dwellers, Tulerosa Valley, N. Mex., . r 937 Stone Metate on Legs, with minor, Aztecs, or their descendants, Old Mex., 2 122.00 938 Grooved Lava Stone War Club Head, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 2.00 939 Grooved Stone War Club Head, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 2.50 3-5o 940 Grooved Lava Stone Mallet Head, near Salt River, Ariz., 1 941 Grooved Lava Stone Mallet Head, from an old Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 3.5o 942 Grooved Stone Mallet Head, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 5.00 943 Grooved Stone War Club or Mallet Head, Red Lake, Minn., 1 i-75 944 Roller-Shaped Pestle, Santa Barbara County, Cal., 1 4-75 945 Roller-Shaped Pestle, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1 2-75 946 Heart-Shaped Stone (use unknown), near Salt River, Ariz., ......... 1 1. 00 947 Stone with Four Grooves (use unknown), near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 2.25 1. 00 948 Pitted Lid-Shaped Stone (use unknown), near Salt River, Ariz., .... 1 949 Saddle-Shaped Stone, perhaps a ceremonial or ornament, near San Jose River, N. Mex., 1 2.25 95° Trowel-Shaped Stone, from an old Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 3.00 95i Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., 1 14.50 952 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Dodger’s Cove Indian, Van- couver Island, B. Col.,' 1 42.00 953 Totem Pole, Image or Idol, wooden, carved and painted, Ahousett, Vancouver Island, B. Col., 1 42.00 954 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, China Hat Indian, Van- couver Island, B. Col., i 18.00 955 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Tooquot Indian, Vancouver Island, B. Col 1 42.00 956 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands. B. Col 1 14.50 957 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Massett, Vancouver Island, B. Col., 1 36.00 44.50 958 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, China Hat Indian, Van- couver Island, B. Col, 1 959 Totem Pole, carved, painted, Bella Bella, Vancouver Island, B. Col.,.. 1 39.50 Typical Collection No. i. 28 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 !003 1004 1005 1006 J007 1008 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Nootka, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Bella Coola, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Nootka, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Metlakatlah, B. Col., ....... Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Mockstocie, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Coyuquot, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Alert Bay Indian, Van- couver Island, B. Col., Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Barclay Sound Indian, Vancouver Island, B. Col., , Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Bella Bella, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Dodger’s Cove Indian, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Hamatsa, Queen Char- lotte’s Islands, B. Col, Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Tshimshean, Queen Char- lotte’s Islands, B. Col, Dance Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col, Clay Olio, Moqui Pueblo, Ariz, Clay Pot, fire ware, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, San Ildefonso Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex, Clay Canteen, San Ildefonso Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Urn, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Olio, San Juan Pueblo,, N. Mex, , Clay Canteen, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Pitcher, Isleta Pueblo, N. ^Mex, Clay Pitcher, San Juan Pueblo, N- Mex, Clay Urn, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Idol, or Image, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Rattle, Nambe Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Rattle, Santa Clara Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Pitcher, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Pot, fire ware, Isleta Pueblo, ,N. Mex, Clay Tablet, Moqui Pueblo, Ariz, Clay Tablet, Moqui Pueblo, Ariz, - Clay Dish, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Dish, Cochiti Pueblo, N. Mex, . Clay Storage Olio, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex, Clay Pitcher, Cliff Dwellers, Tulerosa Valley, N. Mex.,. Clay Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Poinsett Co, Ark, Clay Bowl, Mound Builders, Poinsett Co, Ark, Clay Dish, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex, Clay Olio, Cliff Dwellers, S. W. Col., Clay Olio, Cliff Dwellers, N. W. N. Mex, I Clay Dish, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex, Clay Olio, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex, Clay Olio, Ruins of Pajora Pinto, N. Mex, Clay Pot, Mound Builders, Ark, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VALUE. $54.00 42.00 44-5° 14.50 14.50 39-50 35-oo 35.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 25-25 25-25 26.75 26.50 17.00 2.50 2-75 5.25 25.00 2-75 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.00 4-5° 2.50 1- 75 1. 00 2- 75 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 i-75 i-75 2.00 4.00 57.00 25.00 22.00 24.00 12.00 75-oo 50.00 4-5° 9-5o 75.00 29.00 Typical Collection No. i. 29 CAT. £50. NAME OP SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec | VALUE. 1009 TOIO ion 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 . 1020 102 r 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 IO69 [ Clay Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Cross Co., Ark., Steel Hunting and Butcher Knife, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Cut and Scalloped Animal Hoof Dance Rattle, beaded, skin covered handle, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River, N. Dak., Flint Hoe, Dixon Co., Tenn., Stone Pipe, .image of frog, Tuscarora, near Niagara Falls, Stone Pipe, image of human face, Tuscarora, near Niagara Falls, Bone or Ivory Whale Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, Clay Disk, Cliff Dwelling, Ariz., Pot-Shaping and Smoothing Stone, near San Jose River, N. Mex., . . . Pitted Stone, Milton, Ohio, Stone Tool Sharpener, Altanaha River, Ga., Stone Paint Cup, Ga., Perforated Stone Sinker, Herkimer, N. Y., Stone Disk, Hall Co., Ga., Stone Plummet, Sonoma Co., Cal., Stone Plummet, Sonoma Co., Cal, Stone Plummet, Sonoma Co., Cal., Pot-Shaping and Smoothing Stone, near St. Jose River, N. Mex., Perforated Stone Sinker, Herkimer, N. Y., Stone Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., Stone Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., Wooden Food Dish and Ladle, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., ......... Wooden Mortar and Pestle, Wichita, Sugar Creek, Okla., Wooden Mortar and Pestle, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., Hair Ornament, hair pipe, beads and shell, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Pottawattomie, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ...... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., Birch-Ba/rk Dish, Chippewa, Nor. Wis., Bark Dish, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., . Birch-Bark Fan, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Fan, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Pan, Chippewa, Nor. Wis., Birch-Bark Maple-Sugar Box, carved, Chippewa, Nor. Wis., Birch-Bark Box, pebbled bark,* Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, N. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Dish, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ...... Birch-Bark Dish, pebbled bark, Ottawa, Nor Mich., Birch-Bark Storage Container, rustic, Penobscot, Nor. Maine, Birch-Bark Storage Container, rustic, Penobscot, Nor. Maine, Birch-Bark Storage Box, Penobscot, Nor. Maine, Birch-Bark Storage Box, Penobscot, Nor. Maine, Miniature Dog Sleigh, Eskimo, Alaska, Birch-Bark Canoe, pebbled bark, Ottawa, NFor. Mich., Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., . . Birch-Bark Canoe, pitched seams, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., Birch-Bark Canoe, pitched seams, Chippewa, Nor. Wis., Basket, Moki, N. E. Ariz., Basket, Makah, N. W. Wash., Basket, Makah, N. W. Wash., Basket, Indians of So. Cal., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 $40.00 1 3-5o 1 7-75 1 6 00 1 7.00 1 6.00 1 7.00 1 1. 00 1 .50 1 1.215 1 1.25 1 1. 00 1 .40 1 .5° 1 i-5° 1 3.00 1 2.50 1 .15 1 .40 1 150.00 1 225.00 2 110.00 I I25.OO I 100.00 I 2.00 i 4-75 1 4-75 1 13.00 1 9.25 1 8.00 1 10.00 1 7.5o 1 2.25 1 2.50 1 2.75 1 2.25 1 5-5° 1 10.00 1 7.00 1 4.00 1 3-25 1 3-25 1 1.25 j 2.50 1 2.50 1 1. 00 1 4-5° 1 2.25 1 4.50 1 2.75 1 15.00 1 10.00 1 20.00 1 20.00 1 20.00 1 12.75 1 6.75 1 4.00 1 13.00 1 4.25 1 4.00 30 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1070 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 $4.25 II. 00 1071 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 1072 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 4.00 1073 1074 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 3-5° 3-5° 14.00 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 1075 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 1076 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash I 4-25 1077 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash r 4.00 1078 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., I 5.00 1079 1080 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash I 4.00 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash I 6.50 5-75 12.00 1081 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., I 1082 Basket, Klamath, near Klamath River, Ore., 1 1083 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., . . . 1 9.00 1084 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., 1 3-25 1085 Basket, Chehalis, N. W., Wash., I .1 8.00 1086 Basket, Wakashan, Vancouver Island, B. Col., I 6.50 1087 Basket, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., 1 6-75 1088 Basket, Klinket, Alaska, 1 2.50 1089 Basket, Yakutat, Alaska, 1 8.25 1090 Basket, Wakashan, Vancouver Island, B. Col., I 5.00 IO91 Basket, Chehalis, N. W. Wash., I 4- 5° 5- 75 4.00 2.50 3.00 i-75 9.00 9.00 9.00 1092 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I 1093 Basket Squaw Cap, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., 1 IO94 Basket, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I IO95 Basket, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., 1 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., . . t I Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I 4.00 1 101 Basket, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I 3-75 9-5o 15.00 3-25 3.00 5.00 8.00 1102 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I 1103 1104 1105 1106 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., 1 Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I Basket Squaw Cap, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., 1 1107 1108 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., I Basket, Ottawa, N. W. Mich., I 3-5o 8.00 1109 1110 Basket, Thompson River Indian, B. Col., I Basket, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev., I 25.00 30.ro 33-oo 20.00 IIII Basket, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 1 1 12 Basket, Washoe, N. W. Nev., I 1113 Basket, Washoe, near Carson Luke, Nev., I 1114 1115 Basket, Washoe, near Mono Lake, Nev., I 32.00 30.00 32.00 Basket, Washoe, near Mono Lake, Nev., I 1116 Basket, Washoe, near Mono Lake, Nev., 1 1117 1118 Basket, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev., I 21.50 5-5° 12.00 Basket, Piute, N. W. Nev., I 1119 1120 Basket, Digger, near Lake Tahoe, Cal., 1 Basket, Piute, N. W. Nev., I 25.00 13.00 15.00 15.00 10.25 5.00 3-25 3-75 9.00 5’°o 92.00 77.00 28.50 1 1 2 1 Basket, Piute, N. W Nev., 1 1122 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., I 1123 1124 1125 1126 Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., 1 Basket, Piute, N W. Nev., 1 Basket, Zuni near Zuni River, N. Mex., I Basket, Zuni near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 1127 1128 Basket, Zuni near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 Basket, Mescalero, Apache, S. W. N. Mex., 1 129 1130 ri3i 1132 Basket Cnrhiti Pnehln R in Crande River N. Mex., I Burden Basket Piute near Carson Lake, Nev., I Burden Basket Piute near Carson Lake, Nev , 1 Burden Basket, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev., 1 NOTICE. Collection No. i, (Green Pamphlet) is a typical and representative collection, very desirable and appropriate as a Private Collection for an Advanced Collector, or Connoisseur, or as a Museum Display. The specimens were gleaned with much care, and are the very cream of their kind. Particular effort was made to avoid the selection of duplicates, or specimens that would present a sameness in appearance and general characteristics. The prices quoted are fair retail prices. Concerning Collection No. 2, (Blue Pamphlet) the same may be said in every particular, for it was built up after the same plan, and in the same way as Collection No. 1, and in general characteristics resembles it, though the collection is not so large, and not quite so fine as Col- lection No. 1. The prices quoted are fair retail prices. Collection No. 3, ( Yellow Pamphlet) is entirely different from Nos. 1 and 2.' In fact it is not a mere collection in the sense of being only a display of typical and representative specimens gleaned and grouped with the aim of avoiding duplicates or specimens having a resemblance /to others in the lot, and with the object of forming a collection as such for private or public exhibition. But it is a vast bulk stock of typical specimens suitable for a Dealer, from which to supply Private Collec- tions, Museums, Colleges, Scientific Institutions, Etc. In it, of course, are duplicates, or specimens that are practically such. From this vast stock many Museums, Institutions, and Private Collections may be sup- plied. Indeed this Collection No. 3 embraces stock enough to fit out a number of Museums that might have nothing to commence with but empty buildings. Read the statements regarding this stock on page 9 of Catalogue No. 3. The prices quoted are wholesale prices. A. H. GOTTSCHALL, 250 Hummel St., HARRISBURG, PA. 4 Typical Collection No. i. 3i CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No of I Spec. | VALUE. 1133 Burden Basket, Zuni, near Zuni River, N. Mex., j $11.50 1134 Burden Basket, Piute, N. W. Nev., I 24.00 1135 Burden Basket, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 13-25 1136 Burden Basket, Piute, near Carson Lake^ Nev., I 13.00 H37 Burden Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I 7.00 1138 Burden Basket, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I 7.00 1139 Basketry Sifter, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 22.50 1140 Basketry Sifter, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 4-75 1141 Basketry Sifter, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 3-25 1142 Basketry Sifter, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 6.00 1143 Basketry Sifter, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 7.00 1144 Basketry Winnow, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., I 33-°° H45 Basketry Winnow, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nev., I 36.00 1146 Hoop and Shaft Game, Arapaho, Canadian River, Okla., I 2.00 1147 Miniature Tepee, tanned skin, decorated with Indians and horses, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 40.00 1148 Snow Shoes, Washoe, N. W., Nev., l 8.50 1149 Snow Shoes, St. Regis (Iroquois), near St. Lawrence River, I 16.50 1150 Snow Shoes, St. Regis (Iroquois), near St. Lawrence River I 16.00 H5r Wicker-Work Bed Screen, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 20.00 1152 Basketry Papoose Cradle, covered with tanned skin, Piute, near Car- son Lake, Nev., j 60.00 1153 Basketry Papoose Cradle, Washoe, N. W. Nev., ! 15-25 1154 Basketry Papoose Cradle, covered with tanned skin, Piute, near Car- son Lake, Nev., j 17. So 1155 Basketry Papoose Cradle, Hoopa, near Trinity River, Cal., ! ' 20.00 1156 Basketry Papoose Cradle, Hoopa, near Trinity River, Cal., I 12.00 1157 Miniature Papoose Cradle, basketry, Hoopa, near Trinity River, Cal., I 5.00 1158 Miniature Birch-Bark Papoose Cradle, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., I 1.00 1159 Rawhide Dance Drum, Double Head, decorated in figures, Tesuque, near Tesuque River, N. Mex., I 26,50 Il6o Rawhide Dance Drum, Double Head, decorated in figures, Cochiti, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 25.00 1161 Rawhide Dance Drum, single head, decorated in figures, Tesuque, near Tesuque River, N. Mex., I 5.00 1162 Rawhide Dance Drum, double head, decorated in figures, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, I 26.50 1163 Rawhide Dance Drum, double head, decorated in figures, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, I 16.50 1164 Rawhide Dance Drum, single head, decorated in figures, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, I 10.25 1165 Rawhide Dance Drum, single head, Chippewa, near Red Lake, Minn., I 15.00 1166 Rawhide Dance Drum, single head, Crow, near Little Big Horn RiveL Mon., I 16.00 1167 Cedar Mat, decorated in colored figures, Ahousett, Vancouver Island, B. Col., I 23-50 1168 Cedar Mat, decorated in colored figures, Clayoquot, Vancouver Island, B. Col., j 27.00 1169 Cedar Mat, decorated in colored figures, Nootka, Vancouver Island, B. Col., j 15.00 1170 Cedar Mat, decorated in colored figures, Chippewa, near Cass Lake, Minn. I 14.00 H7l Rush Mat, decorated in colored figures, Chippewa, near Leech Lake, Minn., I 20-00 1172 Plaque, Basketry, Mescalareo Apache, near Pecos River, N. Mex., . . . I 18.00 1173 Plaque, Basketry, Moki, N. E. Ariz., I 10.00 1174 Plaque, Basketry, Moki, N. E. Ariz., I 6.75 1175 Plaque, Basketry, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I 3.00 1176 Plaque, Basketry, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., I I-I5 1177 Plaque, Basketry, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., I 2.25 1178 Plaque, Basketry, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Ore., I 4-50 1179 Plaque, birch bark, Ottawa, quilled, N. W. Mich., I •75 Il8o Plaque, birch bark, Ottawa, quilled, N. W. Mich., I •45 32 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. ii8j 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1 187 1 188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1200 1210 12 1 1 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 Plaque, birch bark, Ottawa, quilled, N. W. Mich., Rawhide Scalp Game, or Ornament Ring, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Buffalo Hide Shield, ornamented with eagle feathers and colored figures, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Tanned Skin Ceremonial Banner Shield, ornamented with eagle feathers and figure of buffalo, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., . . Rawhide Shield, ornamented with eagle feathers, Apache, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Klamath, near Klamath Lake, Ore., Squaw Cap, vegetable fibre, Umatilla, near Umatilla River, Ore., Bag, vegetable fibre, Yakima, near Yakima River, Wash., Cedar Bag, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., Cedar Bag, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., Rush Bag, Hetsiket, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Cedar Bag, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Cedar Bag, Klaskimo, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Cedar Bag, Dodger’s Cove Indian, Vancouver Island, B. C., Rush Bag, Massett, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Cedar Bag, Quatsino, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Cedar Mat, Makah, Neah Bay, Wash., Miniature Skin Canoe, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Wooden Dance Head Ornament, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., \£ Wooden Dance Plead Ornament, Santa Clara Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Wooden Dance Head Ornament, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Ceremonial Eagle Feather Dance Streamer and Pole, Cheyenne, near Canadian River, Okla., Ceremonial Eagle and Other Feather Dance Streamer and Pole, Chey- enne-Arapahoe, near Canadian River, Okla., Ceremonial Dance and Medicine Wand, ornamented with animal hide, feathers, bells and carved handle, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla., Ceremonial Dance and Medicine Wand, ornamented with bird head and skin, bells, feathers and carved handle, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Feathered Game Shaft, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Feathered Game Shaft, quilled, beaded and boned, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Feathered Game Shaft, quilled, beaded and boned, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Feathered Game Shaft, furred, feathered and boned, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Feathered Ceremonial Dance Shafts, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Feathered Ceremonial Dance Shafts, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., .--••• Feathered Ceremonial Dance Shafts, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Feathered Ceremonial Dance Shafts, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Rawhide Shield, ornamented with eagle feathers, Apache, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., * Rawhide Shield, ornamented with eagle feathers and colored figures, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, _Okla;, Rawhide Shield, ornamented with animal hair quilled, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyom., Rawhide Meat and Plum Mortar, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., . . Rawhide Rattle, decorated in figures, Cree, near Red River, Man., . . No 0 1 Spec. VALUE. $0-75 6.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 17-25 3.00 3.00 4-50 3.00 3- 5° 4- 5° 4.50 4.50 10.50 30.00 3.00 4-5o 5.00 35-00 20.00 45-co 45-00 •75 4.0a 5.00 6.00 5.00 9-5° 3.50 7-75 60.00 50.00 30.00 12.00 3-5o Typical Collection No. i. 33 CAT. WO. 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 NAME OP SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. j gJ*Jf j VALUE. Rawhide Dance and Medicine Rattle, decorated in figures, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, Cut and Scalloped Animal Hoof Dance Rattle, skin handle, beaded pendant, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River, N. Dak., Cut and Scalloped Animal Hoof Dance Rattle, skin handle, beaded pendant, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River, N. Dak., Wooden Dance Rattle (Timekeeper), carved, Santa Clara Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Animal Teeth Necklace, on round skin band, Cree, near Red River, Man., Animal Teeth Necklace, on round* skin band, Cree, near Red River, Man., ; Chestnut Necklace, on sinew, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . . . Nut Necklace, on beaded sinew, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Cut Animal Hoof Rattle, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Solidly Beaded Necklace, on round skin cord, Delaware, Washita River, Okla., Nut Necklace, on beaded sinew, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Olda., Bear’s Foot Bone Necklace, eagle claw pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Glass Bead Necklace, on skin cord, Mandan, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak, Glass Bead Necklace, on skin cord, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak, Iroquois Shell Ear Ornaments, on sinew and rawhide, with shell pendants, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Trader’s Wampum Frontlet, on sinew and rawhide, Cheyenne-Ara- paho, near Canadian River, Okla, Sinewed Feather Head Ornament, dyed, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Ornamented Scalp Lock Ring, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, . . Dyed Elk and Turkey Beard Head Dress, eagle feather pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Eagle Feather Dance Ornament, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, . . . Eagle Feather Dance Ornament, bell pendants, near White River, S. Dak, Boy’s Tanned Skin Quiver, beaded, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, S. Dak, Pendant or Charm of Reptiles’ Tails and Claws, Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla, Medicine Pouch of Entire Brown Ermine Skin, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, Medicine Pouch of Entire Mink Skin, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, Eagle Wing Fan, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, Dyed and Quilled Animal Tail Dance Pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, ' Cut and Scalloped Animal Hoof Necklace, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River N. Dak, Bead and Plumstone Necklace, on tanned skin band, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Cut Animal Hoof Necklace, on tanned skin cord, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, .Okla, Cut Horn Necklace, on tanned skin, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Cut and Scalloped Deer Hoof Necklace, on deer skin, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Cut Deer, Elk or other Animal Hoof Necklace, Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla, ... 5 Cut Deer Hoof Necklace, on tanned skin, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Sinew Rope, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak, Dance Frontlet of Deer, Elk'or other Animal Skin and Hoofs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $3*50 7.00 7.00 3.00 4-50 3-75 3 25 3-5° 2.25 3.00 1-75 20.00 2.00 3.00 15. co 15.00 3-75 3*25 15. CO 3-25 4.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 9-75 1 1. 00 12.00 20.00 16.50 58.00 22.00 36.00 4.00 15.00 34 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. HO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE, 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 Beaded Tanned Skin Gloves, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Wooden War Whistle, .Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Bone War Whistle, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ............... Perforated Bears Foot Bone and Needle Game, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Buffalo Hide Ceremonial Banner Shield, decorated with eagle feathers,, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, * Rawhide Rope, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...... Buffalo Hide Rope, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ............ Indian Medicine in Skin Bag, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., Dance or Medicine Pendant of Eight Bear Claws, with' skin of legs, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., ....................... Turtle Shell Dipper or Paint Cup, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Rawhide Scalp Game or Ornament Ring, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Wooden Hair-Crease Painter, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., • Wooden Pipe Cleaner, Sioux, S. Dak., Hockey Stick and Buckskin Ball, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, Perforated Bone Arrow Polisher, Cochiti, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, Gaming Sticks, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, Gaming Sticks, beaded, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, Pair Buffalo Horns, polished, mounted and quilled, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Buffalo Horns, polished and beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Skin-Covered Horn Pouch, beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Skin-Covered Horn Pouch, quilled, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Wooden Flute, Cheyenne, near Canadian River, Okla, .............. Wooden Flute, Cheyenne, near Canadian River, Okla, .............. Hide Painting Bone, Indian, west of Missouri River, ................ Turtle Shell and Animal Dance Rattle, Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex, — Wooden Dance Rattle, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, ................. Clay Dance Rattle, Cochiti, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, Rawhide Dance Rattle, Tesuque, Tesuque River, N. Mex, ....... Rawhide Canteen, Tesuque, Tesuque River, N. Mex, Vegetable Fibre Hair Brush, dyed in colors, Indian, So. Old Mex, . . Riding Whip, wooden handle, rawhide lash, beaded wristband, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River, N. Dak, ............................... LaCrosse Wooden Ball and Netted Stick, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, Ceremonial Horn Wand, beaded, war club shape, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Ceremonial Horn Wand, skin-covered handle, war-club shape, Cree, near Red River, Man, Oblong Wooden Food Dish, Klowitas, Vancouver Island, B. Col, Oblong Wooden Food Dish, inlaid with shells, Alert Bay Indian, Vancouver Island, B. Col, .............. Carved and Painted Wooden Canoe, miniature, Haida, Queen Char- lotte’s Island, B. Col, Carved and Painted Wooden Canoe, miniature, Haida, Queen Char- lotte’s Island, B. Col, Carved Wooden Canoe, miniature, bone harpoons, Makah, Neah Bay, Wash, Rawhide Saddle, wooden frame, buffalo hide, Sioux, Upper Missouri Riv, N. Dak, ... A ..... ................... Buffalo Rawhide Saddle, bone and wood frame, Sioux, Upper Mis- souri River, N. Dak, .......................................... Rawhide, Network Papoose Cradle, Tesuque, Tesuque River, N. Mex.. Colored Picture Writing of Indians Hunting Buffalo and Elk, on deer skin, Blackfoot, Mont, ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $5.00 3.00 15.00 7-25 50.00 1 8.00' 20.00 2.00 40.00 2.00 5.00 •5° .25 4-5°' 4.00 1.25 2.50 1 8.0a 7.00 3-75 3-75 25.00 15.00 2.00' 15.00 5.00 1.50 3.00 6.50 1.25 4.25 3.00 12.00’ 12.00 96.00 50.00 6.00 ii-75 9.00 30.00 30. 00 10.00 55.00 Typical Collection No. i. 35 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 I3H 1315 1316 L3I7 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 *332 *333 *334 *335 *336 Colored Picture Writing, on Deerskin, of Indian Warriors on ‘Horse- back, Modoc, of Oregon, Colored Picture Writing, tanned skin, hair intact, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Pair Buffalo Horns, mounted with buffalo hide, near Knife River, N. Dak, Stone Mallet, rawhide covered, handle beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Stone Mallet, rawhide covered, handle beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Stone Mallet, rawhide covered, handle beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Stone War Club, rawhide covered, handle beaded, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo, Stone War Club, beaded handle, head carved, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Stone War Club, beaded handle, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, . . Stone War Club, skin covered handle, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, Stone War Club, rawhide covered handle, hair pendant, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, Stone War Club, wooden handle, Taos Pueblo, Taos Creek, N. Mex, Stone War Club, entirely skin covered, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, Typical Tanned Skin Suit as worn by the hunters, trappers, and scouts, and as made and worn by the Indians ; Coat, fringed, Sioux, near Black Hills, S. Dak. ; Vest, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. D. ; Pants, Winnebago, Nor. Wis. ; Cap, wild goat skin, hair intact, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak, Ball Knob Wooden War Club, feather pendant, Ottawa, Nor. Mich,.. Wooden War Club, Tesuque, Tesuque River, N. Mex, Wooden War Club, decorated with brass tacks, Ute, near Pine River, Col, Wooden War Club, iron spear head inserted, Kiowa, Washita River, Okla, Wooden War Club, iron spear head inserted, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn, Wooden War Club, iron spearhead inserted, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak, Stone War Club, all skin covered, limp handle, fur trimming, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, Stone War Club, all skin covered, limp handle, fur trimmings, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, Stone War Club, all skin covered, limp handle, rattle pendant, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, Brass Pipe Tomahawk Head, Kiowa, Washita River, Okla, Flint-Tipped Wampum Drill, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex, Bone Knife, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Bone Weaving Needle, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Stone Carving of Mountain Sheep, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Rawhide Saddle, wooden frame, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, . . Vegetable Fibre Bag, Umatilla, near Umatilla River, Ore, Vegetable Fibre Bag, Umatilla, near Umatilla River, Ore, Vegetable Fibre Bag, Umatilla, near Umatilla River, Ore, Rawhide Storage Case, decorated in colored figures, Sioux, near Lake Traverse, S. Dak, Rawhide Storage Case, ornamented with figures of buffalo head, etc, in dyed quills, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, Rawhide Storage Case, ornamented in colored figures, part buffalo hide, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, Rawhide Storage Case, ornamented in colored figures, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla, Rawhide Storage Case, buffalo hide, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla, 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I I I I I I I I $45.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 8.75 12.00 9.00 3-5°, 9.00 9.00 9.00 300.00 7-5° 4.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 4.00 3.00 5.00 15.00 2.25 6.00 1.50 10.00 40.00 20.00 40.00 95.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 7-50 10.00 3^ Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. 1337 Rawhide Storage Case, all buffalo hide, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., x 1338 Rawhide Medicine Case, all buffalo hide, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., T 1339 Medicine Bag, entire skin of white ermine, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., JL T 1340 Medicine Bag, entire skin of large skunk, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., X x i*34i Dance Ceremonial, skin, hide of entire wolf, fox or coyote or similar prairie animal, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1342 Bladder Bag, well, filled with dyed porcupine quills, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., 1343 Bladder Bag, quilled, beaded and feathered in colors, Sioux, near White River S. Dak., I 1344 Tanned Skin Bag, beaded, quilled and fringed, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1345 Tanned Skin Tobacco and Pipe Bag, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., T 1346 Tanned Skin Tobacco and Pipe Bag, beaded and fringed, Cheyenne, near Canadian River, Okla., I T 1347 Tanned Skin' Tobacco and Pipe Bag, beaded, quilled and fringed, Sioux, near White River, S Dak., X x 1348 Miniature Blanket Loom, with blanket two-thirds woven, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., I 1349 Tanned Skin Bag, decorated in .figures with dyed quills, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1350 1351 1352 Buffalo Hide Bag, hair intact, Sioux, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak.,.. Buffalo Hide Bag, hair intact, Sioux, near Cheyenne River, S. Dak.,.. Tanned Skin Bag, hair intact, edges beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak I I I 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 Nut Necklace, on sinew, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I Chestnut Necklace, on sinew, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . . Glass Bead Necklace, on sinew, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., . . . Glass Bead Necklace, Apache, near Beef Creek, Okla., I Iroquois Shell Wampum Ear Ornaments, on sinew, shell pendants, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1358 1359 1360 Trader’s Wampum Necklace, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . . Animal Hoof Necklace, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I Hair Ornament, beads, etc., on tanned skin cords, Sioux, near White River* S. Dak., 1361 1362 1363 1364 Rawhide Stirrups, Sioux, Wliite River, S Dak., I Hoop and Shaft Game, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., J Eagle-Wing Fan, Arapaho near Canadian River, Okla., I Head Ornament, eagle feathers and buffalo tail, Arapaho, near Ca- nadian River, Okla , I i365 Head Ornament, eagle feathers, animal tails and scalp whoop, Ara- paho, near Canadian River, Okla , I 1366 Head Ornament, eagle feathers on bones, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1367 Head Ornament, eagle feathers, quilled, miniature bow and arrows, Cheyenne- Arapaho near Canadian River Okla , I 1368 Head Ornament, feathers and scalp hoop, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1369 Feather Dance Ornament, on beaded skin band, Arapaho, near Ca- nadian River, Okla., . . . ) I 1370 Feather Dance Ornament, on beaver or otter band, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla , . . I 1371 Feather Dance Ornament, on tanned skin, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River Okla I 1372 Dance or Ceremonial Ornaments, animal hair, beads, tanned skin, etr } Cnehifi Pueble* R in Grand*1 Riv*W N Mf“'x’ I 1373 Beaded Fur Head-Dress, feather pendant, Comanche, near Cache 1 Creek, Okla., VALUE. $30.00 50.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 10.50 12.50 6.00 43-50 35-oo 35-oo 3-25 12.00 17.50 16.25 6.00 4.00 3-25 2- 75 3- 50 3-50 7-5o 12.00 1-75 15.00 6.00 12.00 15.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 12.Q0 22.50 22.50 6.00 30.00 Typical Collection No. i. 37 CAT. NO. 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 I4H 14.12 NAME OF SPECIMEN, TEIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. Animal Tail Dance Pendant, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . . Animal Hair Dance Ornament, eagle feather pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak.-, Quilled Animal Tail Dance Pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Animal Hair Dance Pendant, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . . Medicine Man’s Hair Fly-Brush, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Medicine Man’s Buffalo Hair Fly-Brush, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Dance Armlets, solidly beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Tepee or Lodge Ornament, animal toe pendants, Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla., ...... 1 Quilled Dance Armlets, animal toe pendants, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Rawhide Pendant, Arapahp, near Canadian River, Okla!, Perforated Bear’s Foot Bone and Needle Game, Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla., Skin Horse Bridle Ornament', ornamented with colored beads, quills and feathers, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Beaded. Umbelicus Pendant, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ...... Colored Rawhide Dance Armlets, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Old Steel Hunting and Butcher Knife, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Wooden Dance Rattle (Timekeeper), Santa Clara Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Wooden Dance Rattle (Timekeeper), Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Rawhid* Canteen, decorated in colors, Santa Domingo Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Horn Powder Flask, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Knife Sheath, solidly beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Solidly Beaded Tanned Skin Tepee or Lodge Ornament, hair pen- dants, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Human Hair or Scalp Lock (Indian hair) Fly Brush, solidly beaded handle, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Solidly Quilled Tanned Skin Belt or Band, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Solidly Beaded Awl Case, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Solidly Beaded Umbelicus Pendant, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Cana- dian River, Okla., Iron Hair Tweezers, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Hair Braid Wraps, beaver or otter fur, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., Tepee or Lodge Ornament, animal toe pendants, Arapaho, near Ca- nadian River, Okla., Beaded Tanned Skin Ball, Arapaho, Wind River, Wyo., Tanned Skin Ball, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . , Tanned Skin Ball, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Deer Horn Whip, Apache, near Rio Grande, N. Mex., Deer Horn Dance Wand or Ornament, eagle feather pendant, Ute, near Pine River, Col., Rawhide Belt, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Belt, ornamented with brass tacks, Nez Perces, near Clearwater River, Ore., Belt, ornamented with white metal bars, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., Belt, ornamented with white metal disks, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., .. . .... .■§,. . • • • • Belt, ornamented with white metal disks, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Belt, solidly beaded in figures, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . No. of 1 Spec. •) VALUE. • $7.00 1 7.00 1 8.75 1 1. 00 1 7*5° 15.00 1 10.00 I 1.25 1 7-5° 1 2.00 1 7*25 1 10.50 1 3-75 I 3.00 1 3-5° 1 3.00 1 3.00 1 4-5° 1 6.00 * 1 6-75 1 9.00 I 50.00 1 3-75 1 4-5° 1 3*75 1 3-5o I 30.00 1 1.25 1 9.00 1 8.00 1 1.50 1 10.50 1 10.00 1 4-5o 1 14.00 I 18.00 1 50.00 1 19.00 1 1 15.00 \ 38 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OP SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. MI3 Tanned Skin Blanket Belt, solidly beaded in colored figures, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., 1 -n O b 0 1414 Belt, ornamented with solidly beaded umbelicus pendant and knife sheathes, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ......... 1 10.50 1415 Rawhide Riding Whip, wooden handle, Arickaree, near Little Mis- souri River, N. Dak., ! 5.00 1416 Dance Bustle, a profusion of dyed eagle feathers and down upon buffalo skin, with buffalo skin fringe, bells, etc., Cheyenne-Ara- paho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 150.00 1417 War Bonnet, or Head-Dress, buffalo horns and skin head gear with white ermine tail face pendants, beaver or otter skin streamer, decorated with dyed eagle feathers, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 175.00 1418 War Bonnet, or Head Dress, buffalo horns, skin head gear, beaded head band, streamer of eagle feathers, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 150.00 120.00 1419 War Bonnet, or Head-Dress, eagle feathers and down, beaded head band and bells, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1420 Girl’s Tanned Skin Dress, finely beaded, fringed and decked with pen- dants, Cheyenne, North Canadian River, Okla., 250.00 1421 Warrior’s Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed and ornamented, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex. ; Vest, tanned skin, solidly beaded in colored figures of four warriors on horse-back and other figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., Warrior’s Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed and beaded; Coat, tanned skin, beaded in colored figures of warriors, horse and buffalo, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 225.00 1422 I 360.00 1423 Youth’s Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed and beaded, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla. ; Shirt, fringed and beaded, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., I 140.00 1424 Squaw’s Tanned Skin Leggins and Moccasins Combined, beaded in colored designs, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 27.00 1425 Squaw’s Tanned Skin Leggins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., Squaw’s Tanned Skin Leggins, beaded in colored designs, metal pen- dants, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 19.00 1426 ! 22.00 1427 Boy’s Tanned Skin Vest, beaded and quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 90.00 1428 ''Boy’s Tanned Skin Vest, solidly beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 100.00 1429 Girl’s Suit, Dress and Hood Bonnet; Dress, panther or wild cat skin, hair intact, Comanche, near Wichita Mountains, Okla., Blood Bonnet, same material, Arapaho, near Red Hills, Okla I 170.00 1430 Girl’s Hood Bonnet, tanned skin, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ! 30.00 1431 Youth’s Tanned Skin Coat, quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 175.00 1432 Solidly' Beaded Miniature Papoose Cradle, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., j 4-75 7.00 1433 Miniature Tanned Skin Warrior in Tanned Skin Suit, beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., j 1434 Miniature Tanned Skin Warrior in Tanned Skin Suit, beaded, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., I 6-75 1435 Miniature Tanned Skin Squaw in Tanned Skin Suit, beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 7.00 1436 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, hair intact, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 25.00 1437 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 22.00 1438 Tanned Skin ^Storage Bag, side solidly beaded in colored figures, Crow, near Big Horn River, Mon., j 30.00 1439 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, beaded and quilled in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 18.00 Typical Collection No. i. 39 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND No of Spec. VALUE. 1440 Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 $150.00 144 1 Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, solidly beaded in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., r 1 190.00 1442 Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, quilled in colored figures, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 120.00 1443 Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Quatsino, Vancouver Island, B. Col., ' 1 50.00 1444 Agatized Wood, Petrified Forest, Ariz. (large specimens), 5 75.00 1445 Mask, wooden, carved and painted, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, B Col., 17.00 27.00 1446 Petrified Wood, near Little Colorado River, Ariz. (large specimens), 1 1447 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, China Hat Indian, Van- couver Island, B. Col, ! 18.00 1448 Totem Pole, wooden, carved and painted, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., j 14.50 12.00 1449 Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, carving of men, snake, bow, gun, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, carving of snake, turtle, birds and flowers, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 1450 I 6.00 1451 Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, carving of bird and flowers, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 5.00 1452 Red- Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, fine carving, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 5.00 1453 Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife( carving of fish, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 4.00 1454 Red Pipestone Ceremonial, or Ornamental Knife, Sioux, near .Sioux River, S. Dak., I 2.50 1455 Red Pipestone Tablet, carving of lodge, warriors, deer, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 12.00 1456 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, fine carving, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 13.00 1457 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, fine carving, (very large), Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak I 30.00 1458 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, carving of fish and flowers, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I I9.OO 1459 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, carving of warrior, snake, deer, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., 15.00 1460 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, carving of flower?, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., j 13*5° 1461 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, fine carving, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 13.00 1462 Red Pipestone Pipe Tomahawk, perforated and beaded wooden handle, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., j 7.00 1463 Red Pipestone Pipe-Tomahawk, perforated stone handle, carving of warrior, horse, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., Red Pipestone Hatchet, carving of warrior, snake, deer, birds, etc., Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 8.00 1464 I 7.5° 1465 Red Pipestone Hatchet, carving of warrior on horse-back, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 6.50 1466 Red Stone Pipe, fine carving oi human face and bird claws, near Sioux River, S. Dak., ! 21.00 1467 Red Stone Pipe, bowl carved in shape of human hand holding a fish, finely-carved wooden stem, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 30.00 1468 Red Stone Pipe, finely carved bowl, stone stem carved in shape of human hand holding a reptile, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., . . I 30 00 1469 Red Stone Pipe, bowl carved in shape of snake, bird and frog, stone stem, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 25.00 147° Red Stone Pipe, bowl carved in shape of a horse, beaded wooden stem, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., . I 14.00 1471 Red Stone Pipe, bowl carved in shape of animal head, stone stem carved in shape of fish, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 16.00 1472 1 Red Stone Pipe, carving of flowers on bowl, crooked stone stem, i Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 7-75 40 Typical Collection No. i. CAT- NO. NA-.E'OF SPECIMEN, TEIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No of Spec. VALUE. 1473 Grey Stone Pipe, skin covered wooden stem, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, j $3.50 1474 Iron and Lead Bowl Pipe, skin-wrapped wooden stem, Eskimo, Alaska, ’ 9.00 1475 Pipe, clay bowl, wooden stem, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Rio Grande 1 River, N. Mex., T •65 1476 Pipe, clay bowl, wooden stem, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Rio Grande X River, N. Mex., T .65 1477 Ancient Fire Producer, punk, flint and buffalo horn tip, Arapaho, near X Canadian River, Okla., I 15.00 1478 Ancient Fire Producer, punk, flint and steel, Indian, west of Missouri River, U. S., 10.00 M79 Bone or Ivory and Iron Walrus Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, j ! 4*5° 1480 Bone or Ivory and Brass Walrus Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, . . ! 4-5° 1481 Bone or Ivory Seal Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, I 3*5° 1482 Iron and Brass Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7.00 1483 Bone or Ivory Whale Harpoon Head, Eskimo, Alaska, 8.00 1484 Bone or Ivory Head Charm, carved in image of a whale, for whaling, Eskimo, Alaska, j 7.00 1485 Bone or Ivory Whale Charm, carved in shape of animal heads, Es- kimo, Alaska, I 9.00 i486 Bone or Ivory Sinker, etched, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 4.00 1487 Bone or Ivory and Iron Fish Hook, with sinew line, Eskimo, Alaska, I 4.00 1488 Bone or Ivory Awl, Eskimo, Alaska, I •75 1489 Dance, or Medicine Man’s Pendant ; nine bears’ claws, with skin and hair of foot intact, Tesuque Pueblo, Tesuque River, N. Mex., I 25.00 1490 Stone Paint Cup, with Red Mineral Paint, mound, Scioto Co., Ohio, . . I 4.00 1491 Stone Canoe-Shaped Ceremonial or Ornament, mound, Kentucky, . . . I 5.00 1492 Steatite Banner or Ceremonial, butterfly shape, Lancaster County, Pa., I 13.00 1493 Steatite Saddle Stone, Amulet or Ceremonial, mound, Ind., ......... I 8.00 1494 Hematite Celt., mound, Lewis County, Kentucky, I 2.00 1495 Slate Hide Scraper, Eskimo, Point Barrow, Alaska, I 3-5° 1496 Slate Hide Scraper, Eskimo, Point Barrow, Alaska, I 1.50 1497 Miniature Wooden Canoe, carved and painted, Eskimo, Alaska, I 5.00 1498 Ivory Fire. Bow, etched scenes in ./\laska> men, animals, huts, canoes, whales, etc., Eskimo, Alaska, I 25.00 1499 Bone or Ivory Net Shuttle and Gauge, Eskimo, Alaska, I 15.00 1500 Bone or Ivory and Iron Knife, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7-5» 1501 Etched Ivory Whaling Scene, Eskimo, Alaska, I 12.00 1 S02 Carved Bone Hair Ornament, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., I 4.00 1503 Etched Ivory Ring, figures of men and animals, Eskimo, Alaska, I 3.00 1504 Bear’s Foot Bone Necklace, mound, Lewis County, Ky., ............ I 25.00 1505 Ivory or Bone Image of Animals, carved and etched, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7.5o 1506 Ivory or Bone Image of Animals, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7.5o i5°7 Ivory or Bone Carved and Etched Image of Seal, Eskimo, Alaska, . . . I 7.00 1508 Ivory or Bone Etched Image of Sea Creature, Eskimo, Alaska, I 6.50 i5°9 Ivory or Bone Carved Imhge of Whale, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7-5° 1510 Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Seal, Eskimo, Alaska, .< . . I 6.00 151 1 Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Animal, Eskimo, Alaska, I 7-5° 1512 Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Animals, Eskimo, Alaska, I 6.00 1 5 1 3 Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Bird, Eskimo, Alaska, I 4-5° i5H Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Fowl or Reptile, Eskimo, Alaska, . . . I 7-5° 1515 Ivory or Bone Carved Image of Totem, Eskimo, Alaska, I 4.00 1516 Ivorv or Bone Carved Image of Bird Heads, Eskimo, Alaska, ........ I 7-50 15 !7 Mountain Goat Horn Spoon, handle carved in figures of totem pole and inlaid with shells, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 20.00 1518 Mountain Goat Horn Spoon, handle carved in figures of totem pole and inlaid with shells, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 7.00 I5I9 Black Slate Pipe, finely carved, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., I 12.00 1520 Halibut Hook, wood frame, bone hook, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 3-50 1521 Halibut Hook, wood frame, lion hook, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., I 3.25 Typical^ Collection No. i. 41 CAT. NO. NAMi OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. Of Spec. VALUE. 1522 Stone Pipe, image of human face, Chippewa, Cass Lake, Minn., 1 $6.00 I523 Rawhide Pouch, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I I. OO 1524 Rawhide Pouch, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 I. OO 1525 Rawhide Hand Drum, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 1.00 1526 Bone or Ivory Knife, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 1.50 LS27 Wooden Box, or Case, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 4.50 1528 Fish and Whale Skin Pouch, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 8.00 1529 Wood and Flint Flesher, or Scraper, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 4.00 1530 Wood and Flint Flesher, or Scraper, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 12.00 1531 Wood and Flint Flesher, or Scraper, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 13.00 1532 Whalebone Cup, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 20.00 1533 Whalebone Hide Scraper, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col.,. . 1 15.00 1534 Bone and Iron Scraper, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 3.00 1535 Wooden and Slate Scraper, Eskimo, Alaska, 1 4*oo I53k Solidly Beaded Tanned Skin Ball, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 3-5o 1537 Horn Rattle, buckskin pendant, Apache, near Cache Creek, Okla., Husk Pot Ring, or Squaw’s Head Support for Water Jar, Taos Pueblo, N. Mex., I 6.00 1538 1 1. 00 1539 Vegetable Fibre Pot Ring, or Squaw’s Head Support for Water Jar, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., j 1.50 1540 Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, made of the skin of animal’s foot, with hair and claws intact, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., Gourd Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., I 12.00 1541 I 8.00 1542 Gourd Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Moki Pueblo, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., j 8.00 1543 Turtle Shell and Animal Hoof Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., ! 15.00 1544 Rawhide Dance, or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 6.00 1545 Rawhide Dance, or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., ! 6.00 1546 Rawhide Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., I 8.00 1547 Rawhide Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Cree, near Red River, Manitoba, I 3-5° 1548 Rawhide Dane or Medicine Man’s Rattle, Tesuque, Tesuque Pueblo, Tesuque River, N. Mex., I 3.00 1549 Wooden, Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, decorated in colored figures, Eskimo, Alaska, I 3-5° 1550 Tobacco and Willow Bark Cutting Board, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., I 5-°° 1551 Horn Ladle, perhaps musk ox horn, Eskimo, Alaska, I 20.00 1552 Horn Spoon, probably mountain sheep or musk ox horn, Haida, N. W. B. Col., r 20.00 1553 Horn Spoon, evidently mountain sheep or musk ox horn, Sioux, near Black Hills, S. Dak., I 9-50 1554 Gourd Dance or Medicine Man’s Rattle, figures of eagles, etc., carved on gourd, skin-covered handle, skin fringe pendant, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., I 20.00 1555 Horn Spoon, handle quilled, dyed quill pendants, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., I 7-25 8.25 13-5° *55 6 Horn Spoon, perhaps mountain sheep or musk ox horn, Eskimo, Alaska, I 1557 Wooden Ladle, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 1558 Wooden Spoon, inlaid with shell, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 7-75 15,59 Wooden Dish, carved in figure of a bird, Haida, N. W. B. Col., I 15.00 1560 Elk Horn Hide Scraper, finely etched, Sioux, Sioux River, S. Dak., . . I 23.00 1561 Wood and Iron Hide Scraper, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla.,.. I . 15.00 1562 Wood and Iron Hide Scrape, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., I 3.00 1563 Wood and Iron Hide Scraper, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla.,.. I 5.00 1564 Wood and Iron Scraper, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N, Mex., I 5.00 1565 Wood and Iron Hide Scraper, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 3.00 Typical Collection No. i. 42 CAT, NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1566 Iron Hide Scraper, handle skin covered, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 $5.00 I567 Bone Hide Scraper, perhaps buffalo leg bone, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N, Mex., I 5.00 1568 Bone Hide Scraper, moose leg bone, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., .... 1 5.00 1569 Wooden Pot Hook, from over wigwam fire, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., 1 1570 Wooden Implement, use undecided, Pueblo, Rio Grande River, 5.00 N. Mex., 1 2.00 1571 Iron-Pointed Spear, feather and buffalo hide pendants, Kiowa, near Washita River, 1 30.00 1572 Iron-Pointed Spear, buffalo hide pendants, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., j 28.00 1573 Iron-Pointed Spear, buffalo hide pendants, Apache, near Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla., j 1574 Stone Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., 1 20. 50 175.00 1575 Stone Idol, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., 1 100.00 1576 Burden Basket, Washoe, near Lake Tahoe, Nevada, I 27.50 1577 Burden Basket, Zuni, near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 8.50 1578 Burden Basket, Moki, N. E. Ariz., 1 6.00 1579 Water-Bottle Shaped Basket, Laguna Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 16.00 1580 Water-Bottle Shaped Basket, Zuni Pueblo, Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 4.00 1581 Water-Bottle Shaped Basket, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., .... 1 8.00 1582 Storage Basket, Geronimo Apache, near Beef Creek, Okla., 1 20.50 1583 Basket, Cochiti, Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 5-50 1584 Basket, Jicarilla Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., 1 7.00 1585 Basket, Jicarilla Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., 1 3-50 1586 Basket, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 14.50 1587 Basket, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 30.00 1588 Basket, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., 1 10.50 1589 Basket, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., 1 6.25 1590 Basket, Indian, So. Old Mex., 1 2.00 1591 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 9-5° 1 592 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 11. 00 1593 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 7-25 1594 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 3-90 1595 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 6.25 1596 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 5-5o 1597 Vegetable Fibre Plaque, Moki, near Jettyto Spring, Ariz., 1 6.00 1598 Birch-Bark and Sweet-Grass Plaque, decorated with dyed quills in figures, Ottawa, N. W. Mich., 1 1. 00 1599 Birch-Bark and Sweet-Grass Plaque, decorated with dyed quills in figures. Ottawa, N. W. Mich., 1 1. 00 1600 Birch-Bark and Sweet-Grass Plaque, decorated with dyed quills in \ figures, Ottawa, N. W. Mich., i 1. 00 1601 Birch-Bark and Sweet-Grass Plaque, rustic, Ottawa, N. W. Mich., .... 1 •75 1602 Birch-Bark and Sweet-Grass Plaque, rustic, Chippewa, N. W. Mich., . 1 .60 1603 Basket, Pima- Maricopa, near Gila River, Ariz., 1 37.00 1604 Basket, Pima- Maricopa, near Gila River, Ariz., 1 12.00 1605 Basket, Pima-Maricopa, near Gila River, Ariz., 1 16.00 1606 Basket, Pima-Maricopa, near Gila River, Ariz., 1 14.00 1607 Basket, Makah, Neah Bay, Wash., 1 13-5° 1608 Basket, Makah, Neah Bay, Wash., 1 9.00 1609 Basket, Makah, Neah Bay, Wash 1 6.00 1610 Basket, Yakutat, near Prince William’s Sound, Alaska, 1 67.00 161 1 Basket, Yakutat, near Prince William’s Sound, Alaska, 1 53-50 1612 Basket, Yakutat, near Prince William’s Sound, Alaska, 1 51.00 1613 Basket, Yakutat, near Prince William’s Sound, Alaska, 1 32.00 1614 Basket, Klinket, Alaska, 1 4.00 1015 Basket, Porno, N. W. Cal., 1 200.00 1616 Cooking Basket, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., 1 16.00 1617 Basket, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., 1 14.00 1618 Basket, Ploopa, N. W. Cal., 1 14.00 Typical Collection No. i. 43 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. [No of 1 Spec. VALUE. 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 Basket, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., Basket, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., Basket, Shasta, Nor. Cal., Basket, Digger, Nor. Cal., Basket, Digger, Nor. Cal., Basket, ^sweet grass, birch-bark top and bottom, decorated with figures in dyed quills, Ottawa, N. W. Mich., Basket, Digger, Nor. Cal., Basket, Pitt River, Indian, Nor. Cal., Basket, Modoc, near Sprague River, Ore., Basket, Chehalis, N. W. Wash., Basket, Klickatat, near Mt. St. Helens, Wash., Basket, Klickatat, near Mt. St. Helens, Wash., Basket, Salishian, near Thompson River, B. Col., Basket, Siwash, near Fraser River, B. Col., Basket, Salishian, near Thompson River, B. Col., Basket, Salishian, near Fraser' River, B. Col., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Quiniault, near Quiniault River, Wash., Basket, Hih Elicit, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Basket, Klaskimo, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Basket, Hesquoit, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Basket, Quatsino, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Basket, Mowezet, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Burden Basket, Chief Geronimo Apache, Beef Creek, Okla., Basketry Mortar, with stone pestle, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., Storage Basket, Hoopa, N. W. Cal., Basket, Apache, n^ar Dulce Lake, N. Mex., Miniature Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, beaded, Apache, S. E. N. Mex Miniature Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, beaded, Apache, S. E. N. Mex Birch-Bark Berry Pail, Ottawa, N. Mich., Birch-Bark Berry Pail, Ottawa, N. Mich., Birch-Bark Rice and Berry Pan, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., ..... Birch-Bark Scoop, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., Bi-rch-Bark Maple Sugar Box, Chippewa, N. W. Wis., Birch-Bark Pan, Chippewa, Leech Lake, Minn., Birch-Bark Pan, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Pan, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Micfy., .... Birch-Bark Pan, quilled in colored figures,; Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Pan, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Pebbled Birch-Bark Box, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., Pebbled Birch-Bark Box, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., Rustic Birch-Bark Box, Oneida, N. E. Wis., Sweet-Grass Box, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., Pebbled Birch-Bark Box, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Pebbled Birch-Bark Box, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birqh-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., . . . .' Birch-Bark Box, quilled fti colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-nBark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., .... Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7.00 7.00 12.50 15.00 42.00 2.50 9.00 8.50 8.25 27.00 35-co 34.00 61.00 43 -0O 37-50 11 .00 1 1. 00 9.00 6.00 15.00 18.00 19.00 13.00 15.00 6.25 35-oo 23-5° 140.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 2.25 2.25 4.00 2.00 4.00 10.00 3-75 3-5° 3-5o 3.00 4.00 3-75. 3-5o 1.50 3-50 1.50 6.50 6.50 4.50 3-75 4.00 2.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 7-50 6.50 10.00 12.00 44 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. MO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of I Spec. 1 VALUE. 1679 Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Pottawattamie, Mich., . . . ! $3-5° 1680 Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., ... 1 14.00 1681 Birch-Bark Box, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor, Mich., ..... 1 10.00 1682 Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., . . 1 31.00 1683 Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich., . . 1 18.00 1684 Birch-Bark Canoe, pebbled, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., 1 15.00 4-5o 1685 Birch-Bark Canoe, pitched seams, Chippewa, N. W. Wis., ............ Birch-Bark Canoe, rustic, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ....................... Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Chippewa, Nor. Mich.,.. Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ..... 1 1686 1 1. 00 1687 1 3.00 1688 1 1-75 1689 Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ..... 1 1.50 1690 Birch-Bark Canoe, quilled in colored figures, Ottawa, Nor. Mich., ..... 1 •50 1691 Tanned Skin Quiver, beaded and fringed, with bow and arrows, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 50.00 1692 Tanned Skin Quiver, beaded and fringed, with bow and arrows, Sioux, near Cannon Ball River, N. Dak., ......................... 1 32.00 1693 Wooden Dish, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 67.00 1694 Wooden Bowl, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., 1 40.00 1695 Wooden Bowl, Apache, near Beef Creek, Okla., ..................... 1 38.00 1696 ' Wooden Mortar, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., ......... 1 20.00 1697 Wooden Dipper, Zuni Pueblo, Zuni River, N. Mex,, .................. 1 19.50 1698 Wooden Dipper, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., ........... 1 38.00 1699 Wooden Dipper, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ...... Wooden Dipper, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., .................. 1 15.00 1700 1 10.00 1701 Wooden Weaving Implement, Zuni Pueblo, Zuni River, N. Mex., .... 1 4.00 1702 Wooden Weaving Implement, Zuni Pueblo, Zuni River, N. Mex., .... 1 4.00 1703 Wooden Weaving Implement, Pueblo, S. W. N. Mex., 1 4.00 1704 Iron Tomahawk, Sioux, near Porcupine Creek, S. Dak., 1 19.50 1705 Iron Pipe Tomahawk, Chippewa, near Leech Lake, Minn., 1 25-50 1706 Iron Pipe Tomahawk, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 28.50 1707 Irbn Pipe Tomahawk, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., 1 30.00 1708 Iron Pipe Tomahawk, Sioux, near Porcupine Creek, S. Dak., ........ 1 28.50 1709 Iron Pipe Tomahawk, Sioux, near Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., . . . 1 25.50 1710 Stone Mallet,, rawhide socket and handle, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, S. Dak , 1 24.00 iyn Stone Mallet, rawhide socket and handle, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, S. Dak., 1 18.00 1712 Stone War Club, rawhide socket and handle, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 3.00 1713 Stone War Club, rawhide socket, skip-covered handle, Ute, near Pine River, Col., I 6.00 1714 Flint Arrow Heads, Ark., 4 1.25 1715 Flint Arrow Heads, Tenn., 5 2.25 1716 Hair Ornament, brass beads and hair-pipe on tanned skin thong, Indian, west of Missouri River, U. S., .......................... 1 2.00 1717 Red Pipestone War-Club, carved from one solid piece of stone, carved in designs of birds and flowers, Sioux, near Sioux Riv'er, S. Dak., 1 25.00 1718 Stone War Club, rawhide socket and handle, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., 1 12.00 1719 Stone War Club, head fastened to handle with rawhide thong, Taos Pueblo, Taos River, N. Mex., .................................... 1 9.00 1720 Stone War Club, head inserted into crooked handle, Tesuque River, N Mex . 1 5.00 1721 Bone, probably the leg bone of a buffalo, perhaps served as a war club, Sioux, near Porcupine Creek, S. Dak., 1 5.00 1722 Wooden Dance Head Ornament, Santa Clara Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N Mex., ................................................ 1 6,00 1723 Wooden Dance Head Ornament, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 9.00 1724 Wooden Wand, or Implement, Ute, near Pine River, Col., ........... 1 6.00 1725 1 Wooden Dance Head Ornament, Cochiti, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 I 4.00 Typical Collection No. i. 45 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND No. of | Spec. VALUE. 1726 Dance Pendant of Vulture’s Head and Feet, Sioux, near White River, S Dak., 1 $5.00 7.00 1727 Dance Pendant of Eagles’ Heads, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1728 Eagle-Wing Fan, animal hoof pendants, Arapaho, near Canadian River Okla 14.00 22.00 1729 Eagle-Feather Fan, skin handle, fringed and beaded, Cheyenne-Ara- paho, rfear Canadian River, Okla., Youth’s Coat, tanned skin, fringed and beaded, Cheyenne, North Ca- I 1730 1 nadian River, Okla., I 150.00 1731 Youth’s Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed and beaded, Cheyenne- Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla. ; Vest solidly beaded, White River, S. Dak., 150.00 1732 Youth’s Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed and beaded, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla. ; Shirt fringed, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., 1 165.00 1733 Squaw’s Tanned Skin Dress, fringed and decorated with painted de- signs, Ute, near Pine River, Col., Squaw’s Shoulder Cape, tanned skin, heavily beaded, Cayuse, Uma- tilla River, Ore., I 392.00 1734 1 25.00 22.00 1735 Squaw’s Leggins and Moccasins Combined, heavily beaded, Apache, So N. Mex., 1 1736 Birch-Bark Box or Pail, rustic, Penobscot, near Penobscot River, Me., •75 1737 Birch-Bark Box or Pail, rustic, Penobscot, near Penobscot River, Me., 1 •5° 1738 Birch-Bark Box or Pail, rustic, Penobscot, near Penobscot River, Me., 1 .40 1739 Birch-Bark Box or Pail, rustic, Penobscot, near Penobscot River, Me., 1 1.40 1740 Tanned Skin Suit, coat and pants fringed and beaded as worn by the old-time hunters, trappers and scouts, also by the Indians, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 400.00 1741 Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex. ; Coat beaded in colored designs of warriors on horse- back, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 375-oo 1742 Tanned Skin Suit; Leggins fringed, Caddo, near Washita River, Okla.; Coat beaded in colored designs of warriors on horse- back, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 375-0° 1743 Tanned Skin Suit, coat and leggins fringed and beaded, coat beaded in colored designs of warrior, horses and buffalo, Sioux, near White River, S.’ Dak., 1 352.00 1744 Buffalo Rawhide Medicine Case, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 0 0 O LO A d 1745 Rawhide Storage Case, decorated in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1746 Rawhide Storage Case, decorated in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, 'S. Dak., ! 5-50 1747 Rawhide Storage Case, decorated in colored designs, Gros Ventre, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., ' I 16.00 1748 Rawhide Storage Case, decorated in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 7-00 1749 Rawhide Storage Case, seemingly part buffalo, Arapaho, near Ca- nadian River, Okla., I 8.00 1750 Rawhide Storage Case, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., I 15.00 1751 Rawhide Storage Case, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla. , I 2.50 1752 Tanned Skin Saddle Bag, Apache, near Pecos River, N. Mex., I 25.00 1753 Rawhide Meat and Plum Mortar, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 12.00 1754 Platted Rawhide Rope, noosed, also called lariat or lasso (40 feet long), Apache, near Rio Grande River, N. M., I 30.00 1755 Rawhide Rope, Sioux, near Sioux River, S. Dak., I 6.00 1756 Rawhide Rope, Indian, West of Missouri River, I 6.00 1757 Rawhide Straps, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 4 8.00 1758 Buffalo Rawhide Rope, Cheyenne-Arapaho, Canadian River, Okla., . . . 1 12.00 1759 Rawhide Straps, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 3 3.00 1760 Wild Goat Skin Skull Cap, hair intact, Sioux, S. Dak., 1 28.00 1761 Rawhide Storage Case, hair intact, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 7.00 46 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No of Spec. 1762 1763 Rawhide Storage Case, hair intact, Sioux, near White River, S. Dale., Medicine Bag, skin of entire spotted fawn, hair intact, Chippewa, Red Lake, Minn., 1 1764 Beaver or Otter Skin Dance Head Pendant, Gros Ventre, near Little Missouri River, I 1765 Tanned Skin, hair intact, quilled and feathered in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., . I 1766 Fur Dance Armlets, bell and metal pendants, Cheyenne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1767 Fur Dance Frontlet, decorated with 19 mirrors, Sioux, near White River, S Dak., I 1768 1769 Animal Tail Dance Pendant, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak.,.. Animal Tail Dance Pendant, quilled and beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I I 1770 Dyed Animal Tail Dance Pendant, quilled and decorated with brass beads and hair-pipe, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1771 Dyed Animal Tail Dance Pendant, quilled and decorated with bone Disks, Sioux, near White River S. Dak., I 1772 1773 1774 1775 Quilled Game, or Ceremonial Peg, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak.,. . Quilled Drum Stick, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I i* Elk and Turkey Beard Head-Dress, Chippewa, near Red Lake, Minn., Rawhide Horse Bridle Ornament, decorated with dyed quills and feathers, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I I 1776 Rawhide Horse Bridle Ornament, decorated with dyed quills and feathers, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1777 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, side heavily beaded, Umatilla, Umatilla River, Ore., I 1778 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, side solidly beaded, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1779 1780 Tanned Skin Storage Bag, side solidly beaded, Sioux, S. Dak., 1 Tanned Skin Bag, quilled in colored designs, feather and metal pen- dants, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1781 Tanned Skin Tobacco and Pipe Bag, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne, near Canadian River, Okla., 1782 Tanned Skin Tobacco and Pipe Bag, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 -~-i 00 Tanned Skin Tobacco and Pipe Bag, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1784 Tanned Skin Doll Cap, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, Little White River, S. Dak., I vrivO 00 co Rawhide Knife Sheath, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., I Tanned Skin Knife Sheath, decorated, Cheyenne-Arapaho, North Ca- nadian River, Okla., 1 1787 Tanned Skin Knife Sheath, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 00 00 Tanned Skin Umbilicus Pendant, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., I 1789 Tanned Skin Umbilicus Pendant, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 1790 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, Little White River, S. Dak., 1 1791 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1792 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Arapaho, near Wind River Wyo., 1793 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., 1794 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Gros Ventre, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 1795 Tanned Skin Awl Case, beaded in colored designs, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., . . 1 1796 Rawhide Pouch, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne-Arapaho, North Canadian River, Okla., 1 VALUE. $8.00 25.00 10.00 75.00 8.00 25.00 16.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 3.00 3- 50 8.00 9.00 5.00 14.00 23.00 30.00 17.00 30.00 46.00 35-oo 2.50 5.00 2.25 7-5o 8.50 4- 5° 1.50 2.50 2.00 2- 75 3- 75 2-75 5.00 Typical Collection No. i. 47 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND No. of Spec VALUE. 1797 Tanned Skin Pouch, evidently buffalo hide, Sioux, near White River, S Dak 1 $4.00 I798 Tanned Skin Bag, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 9.50 1799 Tanned Skin Bag, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 12.00 1800 Tanned Skin Bag, beaded in colored designs, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., 1 5.00 1801 Tanned Skin Bag, beaded in colored designs, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 3-50 1802 Tanned Skin Bag, Chippewa, near Cass Lake, Minn., I 2.25 1803 Miniature Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, beaded in colored designs, Crow, Little Big Horn River, Mon., 1 6.00 1804 Miniature Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, beaded in colored designs, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., I 5.00 00 0 <_n Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, solidly beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 150.00 l8o6 Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, solidly beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 200.00 I807 Tanned Skin Papoose Cradle, quilled and beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 125.00 1808 Riding Whip, rawhide lash, beaded handle and wrist band, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 6.75 I809 Riding Whip, rawhide lash, beaded handle and wrist band, Apache, near Cache Creek, Okla., 1 6.00 l8lO Riding Whip, rawhide lash, wooden handle, skin wrist band, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 5.00 l8ll Deer Horn Dance Wand or Ornament, feather pendants, Ute, near Pine River, Col., I 10.00 l8l2 Miniature Tanned Skin Warrior, beaded, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., I 15.00 1813 Miniature Tanned Skin Squaw, decked with tracers’ wampum, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 20.00 l8l4 Feather and Bone Hair Ornament, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 2.25 1815 Pendant, dyed porcupine quills on tanned skin cords, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 3*5° I8l6 Beaded Tanned Skin Pendant, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., . . 1 2.50 l8l7 Beaded Tanned Skin and Hair Pendant, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., 1 2.00 I8l8 Bone and Sinew Tubular Pipe, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., . . . I 16.00 l8l9 Vegetable Fibre Hair Brush, beaded handle, Comanche, near Cache Creek, Okla., 1 2.50 4.00 1820 Bristle Brush, handle beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 1821 Rawhide Canteen, Tesuque, near Tesuque River, N. Mex., 1 2.25 1 822 Bone War Whistle, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., . 1 15.00 1823 Wooden Pipe Cleaner, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 3-°° 1824 Tanned Skin Ball, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., I 2.25 1825 Steel Awl, carved wooden handle, Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 4-5° 1826 Buffalo Horn Head Ornament, or Pendant, quilled and fringed, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 10.00 1827 Rawhide Dance and Medicine Rattle, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., I 6.00 1828 Rawhide Dance and Medicine Rattle, eagle feather pendants, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 7.00 I829 Wooden Dance Rattle (Timekeeper), Santa Clara Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 3-5° I83O Wooden Dance Rattle (Timekeeper), San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 3-5° I83I Dance Armlets, tanned skin, solidly beaded in colored designs, Ara- paho, near Canadian River, Okla., I !. 5-25 48 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. • NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1832 Dance Armlets, tanned skin, beaded in colored designs, eagle feather pendants, Sioux, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., 1 $4.00 1833 Dance Armlets, rawhide, quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 6.25 I834 Turtle Shell and Animal Hoof Dance and Medicine Rattle, Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 19.00 1835 Turtle Shell and Animal Hoof Dance and Medicine Rattle, Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .< 1 7-5o 1836 Gourd Dance and Medicine Rattle, Laguna Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 6.00 1837 Tanned Skin Papoose Cap, quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 12.00 1838 Tanned Skin Blanket Belt, solidly quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 25.00 1839 Solidly Beaded Dance Sash, Sioux, near Little White River, S. Dak., i 15.00 1840 Squaw Belt, solid beadwork in colored designs on leather, Indian, west of Missouri River, U. S., 1 30.00 1841 Vegetable Fibre Pot Ring, or Squaw’s Head Support for Water Jar, Taos Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 i-35 1842 Vegetable Fibre Pot Ring, or Squaw’s Head Support for Water Jar, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 i-35 1843 Vegetable Fibre Pot Ring, or Squaw’s Head Support for Water Jar, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., .*. . . 1 1. 00 1844 Gaming Basket, for plumstone dice, Arickaree, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., j 22.50 3845 Polished Buffalo Horn Pouch, Arapaho, near Wind River, Wyo., . . . 1 10.00 1846 Halibut Hook, wooden frame and hook, Haida, Queen Charlotte’s Islands, B. Col., 1 3-5° 1847 Fish Hook, wooden frame, bone hook, Indian, Vancouver Island, B. Col., 1 2.00 1848 Halibut Hook, wooden frame, bone hook, Indian, N. W. Coast B. Col., I 3-50 1849 Fish Hook, wooden frame, bone hook, Alberni, Vancouver Island, B. Col., 1 2.00 1850 Bone or Ivory Carved Images, animals, whales, fowls, etc., Eskimo, Alaska, on 20.00 1851 Bone Knife, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, I 6.00 1852 Bone Knitting Needle, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, I 1.50 1853 Bone Knitting Needle, Eskimo, Cook Inlet, Alaska, I 1.50 1854 Bone or Ivory Image, canoe, man, and whale, Eskimo, Alaska, I 4.00 1855 Tanned Skin Blanket Belt, solidly beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 40.00 1856 Buffalo Teeth, near Bow River, British America, 2 3.00 1857 Buffalo Teeth, near Republican River, Neb., 2* 2.00 * w J / 1858 Stone Pestle, Cliff Dweller’s Ruin, S. W. Col., I 1.25 i8c;q Stone Bear Fetich, Cochiti Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 3-50 Jy i860 Plumstone Dice, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 12 2.25 1861 Iron Tomahawk Head, Chippewa, near Red Lake, Minn., I 5.00 1862 Iron Tomahawk Head, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., I 3-5° 1863 Wooden Spoon, inlaid with shell, Haida, B. Col., I 5-5o 1864 . Elkhorn Hide Scraper, Pawnee, near Bear Creek, Okla., ............. I 12.00 1865 Stone Carving of Human Face, idol or image, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Old Mex., I 15.00 1866 Miniature Stone Idol, Aztecs, or their descendents, So. Old Mex., .... I 16.00 1867 Stone or Pottery Image of Human Face, Aztecs, or their descendants, So Old Mex., j 6.00 1868 Stone or Pottery Utensil, perhaps a lamp, Aztecs, or their descend- ants, So. Old Mex., I 8.00 1869 Necklace of Cub Bears’ Claws and Beads, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 15.00 1870 Necklace of Birds’ Claws and Beads, San Juan Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 10.00 1871 Hair-Pipe and Bead Necklace, shell disk pendent, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 6.50 1872 Bead Necklace, with pendant of a petrification, Sioux, S. Dak., I 3-5o Typical Collection No. i. 49 CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 Shell Necklace, with buffalo horn tip pendant, Sioux, S. Dak., ....... j Glass Bead Necklace, Apache, near Beef Creek, Okla., ............... I Glass Bead Necklace, Siousi, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak., ......... I Glass Bead Bracelets, Gros Ventre, Upper Missouri River, N. Dak.,.. Stone Carving of Human Face, idol or image, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Old Mex., ........................................ I I 1878 Stone Carving of Human Face, idol or image, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Old Mex., I *879 Stone Carving of Human Face, idol or image, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Old Mex., I 1880 Stone Carving of Human Face, idol or image, Aztecs, or their de- scendants, So. Old Mex., I 1881 Stone Carving of Human Form, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., I 1882 Shell Ear Ornaments, Sioux, near Rapid Creek, S. Dak., ............. 1883 1884 1885 Shell Ear Ornaments, Sioux, near Rapid Creek, S. Dak., I Brass Bracelets, with shell pendants, Sioux, near Rapid Creek, S. Dak., Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., I I 1886 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ...................................... I 1887 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., 1 1888 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1889 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1890 Tanned Skin, Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1891 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ..................... I 1892 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ..................... I 1893 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1894 Tanned Skin Papoose Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ..................... I 1895 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian* River, Okla., ...................... x 1896 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in 4 colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...................... I 1897 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...................... X 1898 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 1899 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...................... I 1900 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ..................... I 3901 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., x 1902 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla.9 ...................... I 19°3, Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Chey- enne-Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...................... I 1904 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne, Fame Deer Creek, Mon., I 1905 Youth’s Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Kiowa, near Washita River, Okla., ................ I 1906 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored ensigns, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., I 1907 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., VALUE. $4-oo 3.00 3.00 2.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 4-50 3-75 2.25 5.00 2-50 i*5° 2.00 2.00 2- 75 2.00 .65 1. 00 1.25 6.50 6.50 3- So 4.50 4- 5° 3-25 5*75 475 4.50 5*75 6.25 20.00 6.00 5o Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAi.E OF SPECIMEN, TEIBE FEOM WHOM OBTAINED, 01 LOCALITY WHE1E FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1908 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ................................. ..... 1 $6.25 1909 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., .......................................... 6.25 1910 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded and quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak., ........................... 1 7.00 1911 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded and quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, ....... 1 8.00 1912 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded and quilled in colored designs, Sioux, near White River, S. Dak, k ............ . I 13.00 1913 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 9.50 1914 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 8.25 I9I5 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 9.00 1916 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., I 6-75 1917 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ........................... 1 7.25 1918 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ........................... I 14.00 1919 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 10.00 1920 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 6.75 1921 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 9.00 1922 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 6.00 1923 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., ...................... 1 5-75 1924 Adult Tanned Skin Moccasins, beaded in colored designs, Cheyenne- Arapaho, near Canadian River, Okla., 1 5.25 1925 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, dMoki’ Pueblo, Ariz., ....... 1 15.00 1926 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, near San Jose River, N. Mex., 1 6.0O' 1927 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, near San Jose River, N. Mex., 1 18.00 1928 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 17.00 10.00 1929 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., ....... 1 1930 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, near San Jose River, N. Mex., 1 4- 5» 4.50 i93i Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 1932 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., ....... 1 7,00 1933 Clay Bowl, fireware, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., . . 1 4.00 1934 Clay Canteen, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 1.85 6.00 1935 Clay Canteen, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., ..... 1936 Clay Canteen, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., ................................. 1 3.00 1937 Clay Pitcher, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N. Mex., I 3-75 3.00 i93B Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, near San Jose River, N. Mex., 1 1939 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., .......... 1 6.00 1940 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Me!x., 1 2.75 1941 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 3-5°’ 1942 Clay Rattle, decorated in colored designs, Nambe Pueblo, N. Mex., . . . 1 1.50 J943 Clay Pitcher, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., . . 1 2.25 Typical Collection No. i. 5i CAT. NO. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TUBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OE LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1944 Clay Dipper, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., 1 $4.25 1945 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 2.25 1946 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ......................................... 1 4.00 1947 , Clay Bowl, fireware, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex.,. . . 1 2.00 1948 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N Mex., 1 1.50 1949 Clay Pitcher, decorated in colored designs, San Ildefonso Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., i 3.00 1950 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., ..... I 3-75 1951 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, San Ildefonso Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ..................................... 1 2-75 1952 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, Mf Mex., I 3-75 1953 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 3-5o 1954 Clay Canteen, decorated in colored designs, Zia Pueblo, N. Mex., . . . . 1 3-2$ 1955 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N. Mex., 1 2.25 1956 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 1.25 *957 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 1. 00 1958 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 •65 *959 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ......................................... 1 1. 00 i960 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I •45 1961 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 .50 1962 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 •43 1963 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., ...... •45 1964 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., ...... I •35 1965 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Daguna Pueblo, N. Mex., .... l 1. 15 1966 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., 1 .65 1967 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., ..... 1 .40 1968 Clay Vessel, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 .40 1969 Clay Olio, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., ..... .70 1970 Clay Idol or Image, Tesuque Pueblo, near Tesuque River, N. Mex., . . . 1 1.50 1971 Clay Pitcher, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .......... ........................... 1 1. 00 1972 Clay Mug, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., j .60 1973 Clay Mug, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ........................................ I •35 1974 Clay Mug, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .................................... . I .80 1975 Clay Mug, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .................................... l .50 1976 Clay Mug, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I •43 1977 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio tJ Grande River, N. Mex., ........................................ I 1.40 1978 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I .70 1979 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ........................ I •75 1980 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .................. . . I .70 1981 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., . . . . I .65 52 Typical Collection No. i. CAT. NO. NAME OP SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. No. of Spec. VALUE. 1982 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 $0 .45 1983 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., 1 •55 1984 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., ! .40 1985 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I •30 1986 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., . . I •35 1987 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, - N. Mex., I •45 1988 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, ne^r Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I •3° 1989 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., . . I i-75 1990 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Moki Pueblo, Ariz., I 2 00 1991 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex., . . . I •45 1992 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex., . . . I •30 1993 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., I i-75 1994 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., I i-i5 1995 Clay Bowl, Tesuque Pueblo, near Tesuque River, N. Mex., I •35 1996 Clay Bowl, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., .... I •50 1 997 Clay Canteen, decorated in colored designs, Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., . . I 2.00 1998 Clay Canteen, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., .... I .40 1999 Clay Dipper, decorated in colored designs, Zuni Pueblo, N. Mex., Clay Dipper, Zuni Pueblo, near Zuni River, N. Mex., I •5o 2000 J i-75 2001 Clay Bowl, with top handle, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I •75 1.25 .40 2002 Clay Bowl, with top handle, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 2003 Clay Bowl, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 2004 Clay Olio, Isleta Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I 2.25 2005 Clay Olio, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I .70 2006 Clay Mug, San Juan Pueblo, near Rio Grande River, N. Mex., I .90 2007 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Cross Co., Ark., I 27.00 2008 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Scott Co., Mo., I 8.00 2009 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Cross Co., Ark., I 25.00 2010 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Scott Co., Mo., I 6.50 2011 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Mound Builders, Scott Co., Mo., I 4-75 2012 Clay Bowl, Mound Builders, Poinsett Co., Ark., J 18.00 20 r 3 Clay Dish, Mound Builders, Poinsett Co., Ark., I 8.00 2014 Clay Urn, inlaid with figures of human face, Aztecs, or their descend- ants, So. Old Mex., I 9.00 8.00 2015 Clay Mug, inlaid with figures of human face, Aztecs, or their descend- ants, So. Old Mex., I 2016 Clay Mug, etched, Aztecs or their descendants, So. Old Mex., I 4-5° 2017 Clay Pitcher, decorated in black and white designs, Cliff Dwellers, N. E. Ariz., I 22.00 2018 Clay Mug, decorated in white and black designs, Cliff Dwellers, McElmo Canyon, Utah, I 10. CO 2019 Clav Mug, decorated in white and black designs, Cliff Dwellers, S. W. Col., I 8.00 2020 Clay Urn, fireware, Cliff Dwellers, S. W. United States, I 9-75 2021 Clay Olio, or Water Bottle, Cliff Dwellers, N. Mex., I 4-5° 2022 Clay Bowl, Cliff Dwellers, Marsh Pass, Ariz., I 6.50 2023 Clay Bowl, Cliff Dwellers, Tulerosa Valley, N. Mex., I 9.00 2024 Clay Idol or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., I 30.00 2025 Clay Disk, with image of human face, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., I 15.00 15*75 2026 Clay Idol, or Image, Aztecs, or their descendants, So. Old Mex., ..... I 2027 Stone Mortar, near Salt River, Ariz I 9.00 2028 J Stone Mortar, near Zuni River, N. Mex.. 1 I 11.50 Typical Collection No. i. 53 CAT. NAME OF SPECIMEN, TRIBE FROM WHOM OBTAINED, OR LOCALITY WHERE FOUND. Stone Mortar, near Zuni River, N/ Mex., Stone Mortar, near Zuni River, N. Mex., : . . . Stone Mortar, near Jettyto Spring, N. E. Ariz., Stone Mortar, near Jettyto Spring, N. E. Ariz., Stone Mortar, near Mt. Mora Peak, Nor. N. Mex., Carved and Painted Wooden Idol, or Totem, Kyoquoit, Vancouver Island, B. Col., Carved and Painted Wooden Head of Chief Mamalalikallah, Van- couver Island* B. Col Perforated Lava Stone Ring, Salt River Valley, Ariz., * . . . . Lava Stone Cup, near San Jose River, N. Mex., Lava Stone Cup, near San Jose River, N. Mex., Lava Stone Cup, near San Jose River, N. Mex., Grooved Stone Ax, near Salt River, Ariz., Grooved Stone Ax, Pike Co., 111., Grooved Stone Ax, Jackson Co., 111., Lava Stone Implement, use undecided, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Lava Stone Implement, use undecided, near Upper Rio Grande River, N. Mex., Pitched Water Bottle, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., Pitched Water Bottle, Piute, near Carson Lake, Nev., Pitched Water Bottle, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Pitched Water Bottle, Apache, near Cache Creek, Okla., Pitched Water Bottle, Apache, near Gila River, Ariz., Pitched Water Bottle, Apache, near Dulce Lake, N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Nayajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Indian Blanket, native wool, dye and weave, in colored designs, Navajo, N. W. N. Mex., Petrified Wood, Bad Lands, N. Dak., Petrified Wood, North of Zuni River, N. Mex., No. of I Spec I VALUE. 2029 2030 203 E 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2037 2058 2059 2060 $13-25 II.25 13-25 8.00 62.00 39-5° 50.00 6.50 9.00 5- 25 5.00 4.50 3-50 2-75 2.50 2.50 60.00 10.00 28.00 45.00 22.00 12.00 1 1. 00 8.50 6- 75 25.50 18.75 21-75 17.00 34-oo 1-75 6.00 Total number of specimens in the collection, 2,753. Total value of the collection, $ 28,979.00. The values quoted on the specimens are fair retail prices for typical specimens of their kind and condition. The price of the collection is its marked retail value in total, or $ 28,979.00. The collection must be sold as a whole. Under no condition will it be broken, or sold in parts. 54 Typical Collection No. i. Of course, the collection cannot be sent on approval. Exami- nation of it must be made here. The electrotype plates of the catalogue will be given to the purchaser of the collection. A per centum will be given to the person who secures us a cash buyer for the collection. Address, A. H. GOTTSCHALL, 250 Hummel St., HARRISBURG, PENNA. (■ 6 >